Blog Archive

Monday, October 10, 2011

158) Robert Moss Workshop Experiences

I had the great opportunity and pleasure to attend a workshop this past weekend with the well-known author of many books on conscious lucid dreaming, Mr. Robert Moss ( This weekend’s workshop was called Shamanic Lucid Dreaming and I was intrigued to attend to learn more about this interesting and different approach to dream work using conscious wakefulness and drumming.

As an out of body traveler who primarily uses this ability during the night for my own spiritual development as well as service to others who may need assistance, I felt this workshop could offer a unique perspective on the art of dreaming and interpretation as it relates to the multidimensional lives we live here. I was not disappointed!

The workshop began on a Friday evening, and I immediately felt a familiarity and sense of serenity in his presence, as he joined us all in an opening circle and blessing. I was pleased to see that we would be working within a circle where everyone would be seen as equals, with no one person having a more prominent position in the session. This gave me a sense of comfort and ease in speaking, especially since the toss of his drumstick revealed that it chose me to start the introductions!

During that evening we journeyed with the drumming a few times, and I felt another sense of familiarity with the sound, reminding me of some part of myself that I felt was calling me. My first few sessions with the drumming gave me flashes of a campfire, feathers on a stick, and my always present red-tailed hawk flying against the moon. Robert wanted us to title our experiences, and for this first one, the words “Wisdom Within” came forth.

As an interesting note, during this first evening Robert shared his story of his red-tailed hawk, another connection I felt that gave me knowing I was where I should be.

Again with a second drumming session, I felt as though I was flying, this time on the wings of an owl that took me to the same campfire within a forest clearing. I could see the Native Americans in a circle below, and as the owl flew up to the branch above the fire, I felt as if I became one of the individuals within the circle. I felt happy, as it felt like ‘home’ and I mentally asked, “What does this mean?” The one word answer came clearly through: “Remember….”

That night I had the intention as I went to sleep that I would have something to share with group the next morning. I felt a bit disappointed that I had not traveled that night, and discovered I had only a small snippet of a dream to share.

I titled this dream, “Meeting Myself”. In this dream, I remember clearly seeing and talking with this other Karen (felt to be a part of me) and one who looked exactly as I do now. I was accepting a friendly, almost playful, challenge to a foot race we would have. I distinctly remember the strong feeling of how important it was to me that THIS TIME I have to finish the race ahead of her!

In sharing this story with Robert, he was able to ask questions that gave me ability to understand what this might mean to me personally. Whereas I had no idea what to make of the dream upon waking, I was now able to understand that this might have a ‘reality check’ with my current life events, in that I felt the ‘other’ Karen was likely the professional, comfortable, stable, do what others want and don’t make changes Karen that I was currently trying to break away from and get ‘ahead’ of.

In understanding this, I also knew that the strong desire I felt within this dream to win this race meant that in order to win, I should continue to keep moving forward with my new goal of ‘breaking free’ and becoming that Karen that I want to be, not the one who lives only as expected by others.

I do feel at this time there are two Karens in my life, the medical professional who must keep control and restraint from running too far, and the Karen who wishes to seek new and exciting experiences that may mean stepping forward with ideas and notions that may not be as comfortable to work with.

The questions that Robert taught us to ask ourselves or others when sharing our experiences are all designed to bring out a myriad of responses from others that could relate to the event, whether a personal recount of a life experience or our intuitive sense of what it could mean. However, that there is NO ONE person or interpretation that is right or wrong when sharing as a group. I was happy to hear that Robert also agrees that our dream experiences are very personal, and that the only proper interpreter for any experience is that individual who had the experience.

In seeking to know more and sharing our experiences with others, he suggests that we begin to recount the story, giving only details and facts without our interpretation. A title is important to show the highlight of the experience.

Next the dreamer is asked about their feelings with the events, whether it brought forth fear, pain, sadness, joy, or other significant associations. In doing do, the dreamer should look for what Robert calls ‘reality checks’ (different than what I have mentioned before that are more associated with ‘awareness’ in our current reality), to see if any part of the story could fit with current life experiences or even as a possibility for the dreamer’s future. Then for clarity, the dreamer is then asked, ‘what is it that you want to know about this dream?’

Insight from others is then asked for, with the understanding that the individual is only offering what they feel it would mean to them by prefacing their statements with “if it were my experience….” Only the dreamer can be the final judge of appropriateness and significance.

After receiving the group’s insight, the dreamer is asked to make an action plan, based on the new understanding and knowledge that may have come forth. There should always be some sort of action to be done, even if there was limited information. The action may then include the need to go back into the dream to gather more information to process.

Dream re-entry was another interesting part of this seminar, as we would take turns being ‘seeker’ and ‘tracker’. The seeker would be the dreamer, who would say what help is needed with an experience or dream, along with an image to focus on that is significant for them, and the trackers would be those who would use their resources by any means to bring back guidance with their impressions during the drumming.

There were two significant experiences I had with this day’s drumming sessions that I will share. One session we were asked to face each of the four cardinal directions (East, South, West, North) and reach for our ancestral connection to see what images we would find.

We began our journey visualizing ourselves as a bird, sitting high in a tree looking out. Of course I was my red-tailed hawk and as the drumming began, I’m sitting high in my tree, facing East overlooking a beautiful canyon, as the luminous sun rises and smoke from campfires softly ascend amidst the morning mist.

Turning to face south, I see the ocean, the shimmering sparkling waters that give rise to a sensation of movement. A ship appears, and I feel a connection with the travelers and explorers.

Turning West, I now see a vast abundant land, filled with corn, wheat, and buffalo, feeling this ‘land of plenty’ that now is before me.

As I face North, I sense a grandfatherly Native American figure before me, holding in his hands three feathers. I feel joy and pride, a sense of accomplishment. In my mind, I hear, “You have come full circle” as he hands me these feathers to ‘fly’ with. (In hindsight I also now notice the circle of ‘beginnings-movement-abundance-success’ as well as ‘fire-water-land-air’ in this experience)

When the drumming stops, I am filled with a sense of satisfaction, a knowing that I am absolutely following the right path at this time, and make the action plan that I shall continue to seek new experiences and not return to the ‘comfortable and stable’ Karen that doesn’t change.

In a subsequent drumming session, we were told to go to an open air market and seek that merchant’s stand that most resonated with items from our childhood. Once there we were to find an object from our youth that would immediately open the gates to a large doorway behind the stand where a horse would appear to carry us to another tent. In this tent, we were to discover that which we needed to know most about ourselves, and it was with this drumming experience, that I felt my deepest emotional response. Tears actually came to my eyes when I realized that a small lost part of me when I was a young girl of six was returned to me.

As the drumming started, I found the merchant stand that held items from my childhood, a favorite doll, a dress I loved, and the old worn blanket I carried. However, it was finding the long lost ring had been given to me by my grandmother that offered the emotional ‘key’ to opening the doorway to my horse.

My horse was the beautiful Pegasus, a white winged horse that carried me safely on his back to the big circus-type tent in the valley below. Entering the tent, I saw a young girl and immediately recognized her as myself at the age of six. She was quiet, insecure, fearful, and feeling so alone. I could feel her sadness and the need for someone to be there for her. I was surprised to see this beautiful woman standing radiantly behind her, yet this young Karen did not notice.

I moved toward her, and she smiled and I gave her a tight hug as I presented her with this long lost ring. I told her that I knew she would be okay and all will be well in her life, and that she was never alone. Pointing to the radiant woman behind her, the young Karen was now able to see this beautiful woman who had been with her all along. The sheer joy, release, and freedom I felt was overwhelming. Tears streamed down my cheek, and despite the drumming that continued, I had to bring myself back to the room to prevent further loss of emotion.

That night, remembering that even the smallest of dream recall is important, I made the intention to once again start journaling as I used to do, writing down each and every memory of an event I experienced while dreaming. In the morning, I had four new experiences to write about, and with the group’s insight, I was able to understand even more of what I wanted to know.

In hindsight, it seems the general theme of the workshop dream events circled around that which I most needed right now…..the need for guidance and support to help me maintain this ‘new’ focus and perspective on life I’ve only recently begun. I need to keep focused on doing what I love to do, so I do not fall back into the other more ‘comfortable’ Karen life that is always wanting to ‘win’ this race!

I also realize that my desire to focus primarily on only the astral travel part of lucid dreaming is but a small piece of this vast and infinite process of awareness. I was unknowingly limiting myself and now armed with this new knowledge and ability to utilize another method of dream work, I feel I have made an important step in finding new resources to help with my personal spiritual growth and learning more about this wonderful multidimensional universe we live in.

Thank you, Robert Moss, for giving me this opportunity.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

157) Metamorphosis - Signs and Synchronicities Help with Change

Although I don’t like to write too much personal stuff here on the blog, I felt it is important that I post here what’s been going on in my life over the course of the last six weeks.

I have done much reading about the ‘changing energies’ and such that is part of this time in our lives, and I do believe that this is all playing a part in what’s happening with me.

You may have noticed that my OBE experiences have not been of the same type I am used to having, with little recall and activity happening. It is mostly due, I am sure, to the emotional issues I am going through, as my ‘focus’ is not intently on having OOBEs at this time due to major changes in life.

The biggest catalyst for this change for me had to the Hurricane Irene on September 26 and the flooding devastation that it caused to many families in my area. I was luckier than most, yet still had to deal with a flooded basement and clearing out 25+ years of memories and possessions that I treasured from my past.

Just the week before we had experienced our first East Coast earthquake in over 100 years. This did no damage here, but was a bit disconcerting.

Of course, the Universe knows that an uneventful earthquake and mere flooding isn’t going to be enough to kickstart me into action with the full cleansing process that I needed to do, so it gave me other issues to deal with like a frightful tire blowout in rush hour traffic one week, my credit card being stolen and used another week, and a repeat flooding with Tropical Storm Lee that passed through the following week.

In taking stock of my life with these issues, I had to further realize that my married life was also doomed to the cleansing process, with the knowing that we had grown apart and were no longer capable of giving or receiving what we both need to have a full life. This was a very difficult step for me to consider, yet one I know had been in my thoughts frequently over the past year or two.

Over the weeks, I asked constantly for help in sending signs and giving me guidance as to what I needed to do. I can see now how many of my lastest OBEs and even dreams gave support and significance to what is happening, although I haven’t been able to post them due to personal content.

I want you to know that the Universe does provide for signs and comfort when needed, and especially if asked for. I never needed some signs as badly as I did this past weekend, and they were there for me. It still amazes me to think of the synchronicities that fell into place to get me where I am.

I will share the few that I can, and it began with a Facebook post by a good friend (psychic) who saw these monarch butterflies that were “insistent” in getting her attention. Although she didn’t know who they were for exactly, her initial feelings were that they were for me.

I didn’t place too much faith in this as a sign specifically for me, but felt it could be, as my grandmother is always associated with the monarch butterfly because she loved them so much.

That same day, while outdoors trying to think about how I had to make these changes and wondering if now was the right time, TWO monarch butterflies come out of nowhere and start fluttering all around me!!! I watched in amazement, and silently thanked the Universe for the sign and support that it was all going to be ok.

Later, the same night, in a Facebook post, I see someone posted another butterfly photo and just below it was a beautiful picture of a red-tailed hawk. I knew at once that this was another sign for me, as the hawk has been with me many times, in real life, every time I needed a sign before.

There is a hawk that lives in my area that I never see unless I need validation about something. I saw one the day my grandmother died, as he swooped down in front of my car and landed next to the road on a post in clear view. At THAT time, I knew my grandmother was passing on (which was accurate to the minute) and I gave thanks again for the signal and comfort that all was ok.

It’s funny how even though I wasn’t outdoors, the Universe managed to make sure I still saw my hawk JUST when I needed to have the comfort! I was so totally amazed!

I was now certain of my actions and what I needed to do. The following day, just prior to making the official changes, I walked outdoors to center myself. I asked once again for a sign, if possible, just to be sure, and what happens?

ANOTHER monarch butterfly comes out of nowhere and again flutters all around me!! I smile so wide and thank the Universe profusely for their support and now happily and contentedly am able to go full steam ahead into creating a new and wonderful life for myself!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

156) Analyzing, Seeing the Future, No Help with Retrieval

Sept. 18, 2011

I went to my ‘traveling couch’ about 3am as usual with the intention that I would try to see into the future and see if I could bring back some sort of information as to what’s planned for me.

After a bit, I found myself aware of vibrations, a soft buzzing sensation all over my body. I was excited to think I’d get out again, and focused on finding the right time to roll out. I pushed off and found myself, again, very heavy and difficult to move alongside my body.

I knew I had to get away, and affirmed, “to the door!” which brought me to my front door. Thinking clearer now, I affirmed ‘awareness now!’ and happily moved through the door, feeling the outside air. I took off once again, loving the ability to fly and flip with such freedom!

I remember there was lot of floating and flying going on at first, and from up high, I could see a town below. I was so enraptured with the freedom of movement that I intentionally put ‘myself’ in all sort of body contortions…just enjoying myself!

It was at this point in doing a 360 degree flip that I asked myself ‘how am I able to tell what position I’m in if there is no gravity in the astral?’ This was a new thought to me, as I usually don’t try to analyze while out, but I wanted to know. I thought, what IS it that gives me the sensation of position with my ‘astral body’ when there is no body?

I make a point of doing another flip trying to pay attention to what it was that gave me the ‘knowing’ of my position! I realized it was a ‘fullness’ in my head when I put my feet up that seems to give validation to my position, and the feeling of ‘air’ in my face when I was moving forward…and wondered if it was really there or just my ‘usual belief’ that it had to be so!

I didn’t try to analyze this too much, instead focusing on what it was that I wanted to do tonight. I remembered I wanted to ‘see the future’ and with that, immediately found myself guided to an area below.

As I am flying down from above, I see what initially looks like a building (school feeling?) surrounded by flooded waters! (I have certainly had enough of that in my life lately!) Upon closer inspection, however, I see the shimmering water is actually part of the landscape intentionally put there surrounding the beautiful building. The only way to get to this area is by flying in or via water. (Water is the universal dream symbol for your unconscious, emotions, and life this may mean I was getting in ‘deep’!)

I feel excited about going here and anticipate a great experience, but as I go to land on the sidewalk outside, I suddenly feel a strong pull backward and the knowing I will not be going in!

Without having time to think, I found myself in a dark black tunnel, moving backward again, just as I have done many times before. I think now that I must try to direct myself, and affirm ‘to my higher self!’ as this tunnel is similar to what I have felt before in other experiences when I was affirming that intent.

What happened next was a bit disappointing, as I found myself back on the couch….but again with someone standing next to me!! I felt uncomfortable, not the ‘negative’ type energy, but an ‘irritable, agitated, impatient’ type energy. It was uncomfortable enough that I remembered I had to ‘send love’ to this individual, and remember doing it more than once!!

What I finally saw was this elderly white female, with short white wavy hair, standing next to me speaking about how she is STILL waiting for this person that was to meet her! (I felt it was a male she was waiting for) She had calmed with the love energy I sent so I was able to hold a long polite conversation with her, talking about all sorts of things.

I remember asking her name, hoping it’d trigger a validation once awake, and after having her repeat it (as I didn’t hear it clearly the first time), she said ‘Tanya Tucker’….but she then smiled and laughed as she recounted the story about how that isn’t her ‘real name’ as she was given the Tucker name (by someone in a young age) and her real name was Tanya Hallock (?) Tucker, otherwise known as “THT” she said. (The name Hallock is the best pronunciation I can get from it, it could be something else similar sounding).

She actually was a very polite woman, with a gravelly voice, talking at length and holding my hand as she spoke. She says she’s waiting for someone she missed, and just keeps ‘waiting and waiting’ but he’s just not coming.

Not sure what to do, and thinking this is a spirit who needs to move on, I offer my usual suggestion to ‘look for’ someone who is with me so she can go with them. I say, “maybe you should go with the one who is here with me” thinking I could move her on.

However, in looking around, I see no one with me!! I am astonished, and even she says, ‘I don’t see anyone here!’ Trying not to miss a beat, I say, ‘well then, you just have to always keep looking for someone because they are always here!’ I felt flustered and unaccustomed to having no help at this point.

She asks something about ‘will he have….(unclear what exactly it was but I recorded something about a ‘billionaire’?) or something to that effect…and I answered, ‘well, he’ll have whatever it is you need him to have! But he’s out there waiting for you!’

With that she said she had to leave, and putting on a long red wool coat, she disappeared through a door!

I remember thinking I had to pull back to full wakefulness to get this recorded, and once again, found myself in another false awakening where I was dealing with putting together my broken recorder as my memories faded!! So frustrating! I tried my backward recall, tagging events with single words so I could remember as much as I could, but with even that small delay in waking, I lost a lot!

One other memory I have during this time, and I’m not sure where this fits, but I recall feeling as if I had ‘sore feet’ while I’m doing whatever I had to do….and just kept going…until I finally looked at my feet to see they were swollen to gigantic size with barely perceptible toes!!! I remember saying, ‘no wonder my feet hurt!!’ lol

Again, my OBEs are not clearly organized or put together to offer any cohesive insight as to what it all means, so I’m always eager to hear any comments. I do know that despite my fading memories of specific details, the freedom and happiness I had while out of body is just so fulfilling!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

155) OBE Meeting in Maine and Hotel Experience

The Travels of a Dreamwalker - Facebook Meeting 9/10/11

As promised, I thought I’d post a quick synopsis of what events occurred during the first OBE ‘road trip’ and meeting in Scarborough, Maine. The prior blog post (#154) recounts the first experience I had during this trip while visiting a fellow OBEr in Cape Cod, MA.

This meeting was arranged through a Facebook event posted a few weeks ago. (

I will begin by recounting the OBE that occurred the night before the meeting was to happen. I awoke about 3:30am in the hotel room, and decided I’d like to try for an experience that I could share with the group the next day.

I first realized I was watching myself in a dream, walking around an unfamiliar kitchen looking for something. Realizing I wasn’t going to find it, I decided I’d go back to bed. I remember walking down a long hallway with doors on both sides (hotel hall?) until I found my own room.

Once back in bed in this unfamiliar room, I realized I was in light vibrations! What happened next was really interesting in that it seems my ‘consciousness’ moved from the ‘dream bed’ to my real bed!! I found myself fully conscious, knowing I’m physically in the hotel bed in Maine, in full vibrations!!! I was excited, but kept calm and tried to roll out.

I was confused at first, because I wasn’t sure which side of the bed would be best to roll out!! I just decided I’d ‘float’ and that’s when I was able to get to the window by my bed. Passing through the window to the outdoors, I could again feel the texture change of the glass and coolness of the night air.

Standing on the sidewalk, I tried to recall what it was that I wanted to do!! I remembered that I could always just affirm, “to my higher self!” and have a great experience, but also at that moment thought that perhaps this ‘higher self’ experience might be too ‘deep’ or hard to understand for the group the next day!

To I affirmed, “let me help someone!” as that is always what comes naturally as the next option when I’m out of body. At that moment, I found myself zooming upwards, and could look down as floor after floor of a building disappeared below me.

Finding myself in total blackness now, I am aware of strong arms around me. I feel happy and comforted, and know this is likely one of my guides who always accompanies me.

The next part is an interesting aspect of dream travel or astral projection. It seems whatever is on your mind recently will many times take precedent over what you see and do when out of body. This time was no exception, and I remember thinking, “hey, this is a good time to ask my guide what to do about (a personal situation)” that I had just discussed over dinner that night.

So I ask him as he is behind me and over my left shoulder I can hear him tell me that ‘some things just take time’ or something like that which did answer my question in a roundabout way. I decided at that point I wanted to see him, and twisted to the left to face him.

Just as in many of my other experiences with my guides, again he disappears and I feel the pullback to full wakefulness. Somehow I know that I must have told my guides to not let me get too much from them this time around in physical, as I wanted to do it myself! Lol The good part of the experience is that I did get to ‘help someone’ but it seems that that person was me!

At the meeting the next day, we had a good turnout of approximately 14 people, including our own Jaime M-Lundquist of California, founder of the Astral Projectors group on Facebook, via Skype on the computer. We wanted to trial the use of Skype for giving a wider range of audience participation possibly in the future, and from what I can see, this is definitely a possibility! Thanks Jaime for hanging in, despite the few disconnects and internet issues!

We had a beautiful room at the Hilton, quiet and secluded, and Leslie Dutton was the key facilitator I want to thank again for making sure we had a comfortable environment and some light snacks for the meeting.

After having everyone introduce themselves, I just gave a brief overview of who I was and what I did. From there, the conversations ranged from benefits of astral travel, techniques, what to expect, various blog experiences, and even UFO’s and ‘otherworldly’ contacts that many of the participants have had. This was a great panel of very open-minded and eager to learn individuals. There were SO many topics we discussed as a group, giving way to open and free flowing conversations, while answering as many questions as possible.

It was wonderful to have other astral projectors there, like Jo Leach and Jaime Lundquist, to share their experiences and interpretations on events that occurred. Even our hostess, Leslie Dutton, was so animated in sharing her first out of body experience which added greatly to the validity of the topic for the participants, as many already knew her and could see her ‘life-altering’ perceptions that came from the experience.

It is my hope that our excitement and joy in discussing and sharing the wide range of experiences and self-knowledge that came out at this meeting will encourage those who participated to seek more information about out of body travel and how it can benefit their lives.

I am looking forward to continuing to grow and learn as I travel, and will not be happy to just astrally travel anymore! Hopefully I shall be able to include more ‘physical’ travel now to see others to share my experiences with who are eager to learn and develop the out-of-body abilities that are already within each one of them!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

154)Awareness now; Vacation travel with Motor Home


It’s been nearly a month since my last blog post, and likely the longest it’s ever been between posts. It’s not that there has not been out of body activity, but the experiences have either been too personal or too brief to share. Even this short experience below isn’t much, but at least by posting it others may have some insight into its meaning or symbology that I cannot figure out.

For a little background, the last few weeks have been more stressful than usual with family issues and concerns as well as cleaning up from hurricane Irene that passed through our area leaving behind much damage. This entire past month seems to be a ‘cleaning up’ of energies around me, culminating with the hurricane that gave me no choice but to relinquish many items from my past and start anew.

This change in direction fits with my life as I look over the past few years as well. There has been many, many changes in my life that I would never have expected back then. Changes in career direction, family dynamics, and even a new desire to meet more of my OOBE friends has opened new doors and opportunities that could not have manifested had I not had the courage to undergo these changes. I’m thankful for all the learning and experiences I have had out of body, as I feel this has been a major reason why my life is moving in this great new direction.

As for the experience this morning, I will start by saying I am currently on my ‘road trip’ to Cape Cod and Maine to fulfill one of my desire to meet some of my online OOB friends. In my room this morning, I had the luxury of sleeping in (a rare treat!) and found myself lifting gently above my body.

Excited to know I was ready to move, I rolled out and stood in my room. It was hazy and unclear, but I was happy to see that I was able to remember my intention to use “Awareness Now!” as my affirmation once out of body.

Upon affirming “Awareness now!”, my vision cleared and I could see the details of my room. Wanting to really ‘clear up’ my thinking and enhance my recall for this experience, I again affirmed “Awareness now”. (I had listened to William Buhlman’s tapes on my long ride to Cape Cod, and was impressed with his use of this affirmation to bring more of your own ‘consciousness’ into the energy body where it was now located to enhance clarity and recall and wanted to use this in my next experience).

This worked perfectly and I knew I wanted to move out and see if I could meet up with the person I hoped to see. I headed for the door and upon exiting was SO surprised to see the change in environment! I was no longer in ‘physical’ surroundings but now hanging outside of a large mobile home that was being driven down a highway!!

I was concerned at first because I thought I hadn’t had the time to dress properly being outside, and looked back into my motel room, which I could still see clearly and perfectly and knew that at least I had my clothes with me available in that room. (I was aware I was traveling and not at home and somehow worried that I didn’t have them with me if I was leaving on this bus-like motor home.)

Now, clinging to the outside of the motor home once I left my room, I’m enjoying myself tremendously, feeling the breeze as it moves down the road, and even watching a car come at me and swinging myself in front of it just to show how ‘daring’ and unfearful I could be while OOB!

I moved up to the front to see who was driving, wanting to speak with him, and found him talking on his cell phone in heated discussion about some sort of personal issue and his inability to pay some bills. It really didn’t make much sense to me and I wondered what this all meant if someone else is driving my ‘home’.

I felt confused, maybe due to the new surroundings, maybe due to the analyzing of my situation, and quickly found myself back in body waking in my bed.

This was a short rather uneventful OBE, yet one that I clearly remember as being vivid and in full clear vision and control. I’m hoping maybe someone can maybe offer some insight into what this may mean, if anything, as I feel it has some symbolic meaning in view of the many changes I’ve experienced.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

153) Helping a Fearful Child


This is just a short experience I had early this am after waking and moving to my ‘traveling couch’. I thought I’d still try for the use of the MP3’s to help my ‘becoming aware’, but this time it wasn’t needed! I did use Jurgen Ziewe’s chanting sounds to relax but that was all.

I found myself ‘awake’ lying on the couch, and being aware of a sense of FEAR! Not so much for ME being fearful, but fear that was associated with someone quite close to my body as it lay on the couch!

I didn’t really see this person at first, just felt the strong fear energies emanating from it, which of course, to be honest, made me just a little bit concerned. My fear dissipated immediately when realized this was a very small child standing next to me! (He couldn’t have been more than 2 years old, likely less…)

I was at first caught offguard, wondering ‘Now what do I do?!?’ and then I sensed an adult presence also nearby at the bottom of the couch area. This was a female, clearly seen, short sandy-colored hair and small glasses and petite frame. I somehow knew she was waiting for this child to know she was there.

I’m not sure how I did it, but turning to face the child I sent love and even tried to hug him with my energies. He calmed immediately and I told him, “look who’s here!” as I picked him up and handed him to this woman. I have no idea how I knew what to do, or if I was doing the right thing, I just did what felt to be right.

The woman smiled, the child’s energies calmed and changed, and then they both disappeared!

This all happened so quick and I can remember thinking I have to get this recorded!! I distinctly remember taking out the recorder and recording it….BUT.. I found out later that I STILL wasn’t awake when I did that because the recorder was sitting untouched next to me when I fully awoke!

Thankfully, this ‘close to physical’ experience was easy to recall, even if short. I do get a feeling of being some help, and am happy to know this fearful child is safe and happy once again!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

152) Seeing Buddy again; Teaching my Daughter

July 30, 2011

For this experience, again I had difficulty in falling back asleep once I moved to the ‘traveling couch’ about 3am. I used the MP3s again to fall back asleep and was disappointed to wake without any memory of dreams or OBE’s at 5am.

Not getting discouraged, I decided to try a different series of MP3s that I had made into a playlist, this one with the recording of the words “I’m dreaming” built in after the guided meditation for induction of the right ‘mind state’, followed by a white noise type binaural beats.

Part of my problem with falling back to sleep and staying asleep was the fact that my new kitten insisted on climbing on top of me and nuzzling me at random times!! I knew this might be an issue for getting OOB, but I remembered I was able to do it before with her here, so I just kept trying.

In hindsight, this may have actually helped me, as I remember starting my tapes and realized my next recollection was of the cat moving around by my legs. In ‘looking’ there, I saw not only my kitten, but also my passed on black lab curled up next to me! He was SO happy to see me and I was ecstatic to be able to rub him and cuddle him again! I do remember thinking he had had a ‘haircut’, and that was unusual, especially since he never needed one before!

It didn’t ‘click’ right away that this was unusual, but then I realized, ‘wait, he can’t be here’ and I strained to remember that I DID take him to the vet last year when he was SO infirmed and sick. My mind was befuddled for a few seconds, as he was here and SO real, that I had to force myself to remember the details of his death to know this was not a ‘physical life’ reality.

What is also unusual though is when I realized I was likely in my ‘astral body’, I didn’t even have the awareness to roll out and move! My next recollection seems to be within a ‘dream’ again, finding myself leisurely walking around a ‘flea market’ of some sort.

I’m looking at objects, talking with people and SUDDENLY, I stop in my tracks with the realization, ‘hey, I could be out of body…maybe I AM dreaming!’ (I was confused when I first woke, wondering why I had this sudden realization as there was no apparent ‘trigger’ in that dream sequence at the flea market –an anomaly or other signal like I just had with my dog Buddy – to trigger this awareness!)

I took the chance I was ‘out’ and tried to do the little jump which confirmed I was out!! (By doing a little jump and seeing how it ‘feels’ more floating and soft, then you know!) I do remember flying around and doing a few things first, but then I remembered I was there with my daughter!

I did a ‘superman pose’ flying swoop to where she was in another room, and she jumped down from some height to be with me. I told her, “You know you’re dreaming, don’t you?” She said, “No, what do you mean?” I said, “You’re are actually dreaming now and you can do whatever you want since you are out of body! You can do flips….(which, with that statement, I realized she CAN do flips already as she is a gymnast!)…well, so you can do that already, but now you can also fly!! Do a little jump, you’ll see!”

With that, she did a little jump, and said, “Wow, this is great! I am dreaming!” and she took off flying and swooping all around the room! She moved outdoors, and now I am watching her ‘remotely’ as if on a screen in front of me. I see her flying all around this playground, having so much fun, doing all kinds of things, and even passing directly through the back of a bench!

As I stood there watching her, I remember clearly thinking, ‘let me try recording now because I really want to remember all that I’ve done!’ So I pull out my recorder, holding it firmly in my hand, and see that it looks totally different from what it normally does. Instead of small and grey, it is rather large and dark colored. Nevertheless, I want to try, and with a click of the switch, I see the lights go on and am thrilled maybe I CAN record ‘from here’ so that I could retain more memories!

I framed the words in my mind and then try to speak….but I had no voice! Such an odd ‘feeling’! I’m trying to ‘talk’, I have the words and memories, but nothing is coming ‘out’! Now my thoughts are ‘gosh, this is likely going to make me go back to body, isn’t it?’…and then of course, I feel that transitioning to more wakefulness immediately after. I wake, finding nothing in my hands, and my recorder still carefully tucked at my side.

This was the first time I consciously took a chance of trying to do something I knew would make me go back to body. I generally try to avoid such things, but I so wanted to be able to recall more memories.

Also, in looking at the clock I see it is now 6am, only an hour after starting my MP3s. The hour-long white noise was still playing and only about 15 minutes into it. What I realized was that the timing of the voice stating, “I’m dreaming” was likely the trigger for the ‘sudden realization’ I had in the flea market! It worked! Instead of my usual ‘triggers’ to awareness (anomalies in what is usual), I must have unconsciously ‘heard’ those words which make me stop and think about my ‘state’!

I talked to my daughter later that day to see if she could validate or confirm any of the events. She had no specific recall, but what she told me was astonishing to me. She told me she ‘dreams a lot’ but never takes the times to try to remember them. I asked her if she ever becomes aware she is dreaming while within a dream, and she said, ‘Oh, all the time!’ She went on to say that there are times when she even is aware enough to ask herself, “I wonder if this is what my mom does when she tells me she is traveling in her dreams”!!!!

Wow, I was shocked…and told her that she has already learned the hardest part of learning to travel OOB, the ability to become ‘aware’ within a dream! I was a little disappointed, though, to hear her say that she had no interest at this time to pursue this ability. As she says, most times when she becomes aware, she remembers feeling like she would prefer to ‘just go back to the dream’ and enjoy it instead of keeping the control.

This was a great OBE, I feel, as I not only learned more about my daughter’s abilities, but that it also gave me another chance to ‘be with’ my beloved pet Buddy again! But I also learned another lesson…that I’ll just have to live with the loss of memories rather than try to make any more recordings while remaining conscious in the astral!! lol

Sunday, July 17, 2011

151) Total Control OOB in Astral City; More Tips and Techniques


This is going to be a long one, but it’s filled with good information including more tips and techniques for getting out of body.

To preface this OOBE, I want to mention that I had set intentions to do a few things when I next had an OOBE. From a previous post recommendation, I was told that I should try to remember to ask someone if they could tell me how I could have a better recall with my experiences, since I lose so much upon waking.

In addition, I have been enjoying a daily walk that includes a beautiful view overlooking countryside and each time I pass by, I affirm I want to ‘fly again’ like the birds I see over the landscape and enjoy that freedom, since it’s been a while since I ‘consciously’ did that during an experience.

Also, in my past few posts you can read that I’ve learn how to change textures while OOB using only my mind and understanding ‘reality’ as we experience it. I have been having some great discussions on the Facebook site with others about this as well as using borderline consciousness states just as you wake to induce OBEs.

With all of this as a prelude to my OBE, you’ll understand better why I’m so excited about what happened, despite the fact that the actual plot of the OBE was not impressive. This one was more about ‘experiencing’ and understanding, than doing….although I did that too! I hope I’m able to describe what I felt well enough for you to understand as well.

Heading to my couch about 3am, as usual, I decided I’d use my MP3s to help get into the right mind-state, as the past few times I’ve had difficulty falling back asleep or into an OBE. For this one, though, I had a playlist made where I inserted my own voice saying “you’re dreaming” after the guided meditation in hopes of making me become more aware, before it continued into some binaural beat music.

I remember listening to the guided relaxation, fully visualizing my usual protective white light and doing affirmations as I listened, and then, ‘woke’ a bit at the point where I heard my own voice say ‘I’m dreaming’.

In hindsight, this was a waking to in-between conscious state before fully waking, although at the time, I felt fully awake, yet very relaxed as I could not feel my body. I remember turning my head to look at a clock on the wall (one with hands – not digital) and seeing it was already 5am! (The fact that it was a ‘hands’ clock is a key point to my not realizing I was not fully awake…see later)

I remember thinking, ‘oh well, it’s late, but there is still time to get out if I can’…and with that turned back and realized, ‘hey, wait…something is different here’. I did not feel vibrations, nor did I have the usual floating sensation, but something felt very different than ‘real life’ lying on the couch. (I wish I had a better description for you, but it just felt ‘not normal’)

With only that hint of a doubt and remembering that I should not analyze anything but just GO when I have ANY degree of doubt about my ‘reality’, I decided to try to roll out! I was so surprised to find myself now rolling off the couch and falling flat on my face on the floor! But I was out of body!! I felt SO very heavy and had difficulty moving, but so happy to be out!

I was ‘blind’ seeing nothing but darkness and felt my usual need to go ‘to the door!’ to prevent being pulled back in. I tried to move but the strong pulling and tugging made it difficult to get free from the area I was in. I remember moving away, but not completely to the door, when I stopped and thought, ‘wait, maybe I should see why I can’t move’.

With no vision still, I decided I’d try to move around the room, feeling my way, and was busy sensing where the different furniture was using only my sense of ‘vibration’ change. I remember it was fun to try to ‘feel’ where everything was without seeing, and then once knowing I was next to a piece of furniture, changing how it felt to become more solid, and then ‘lighter’ again. (This is so difficult to explain!)

To get my attention, I think, a small kitten appears and I realize I’m now seeing and playing with this kitten next to the door I wished to exit. (I have a cat, but this was a very young unfamiliar kitten). Seeing the door clearly now, I decide to leave and take special effort to open the door the ‘usual way’ so the kitten would not get out, but also remarking to myself, ‘gee that’s silly to open the door when I can just go through it!”

As I exited the door, I found myself in another house, an older one, that had the ‘feel’ of a grandmother’s home and I thought for a bit it was MY grandmother’s home, although it looked a bit different. It is interesting to note that somehow it felt as if it belonged to BOTH my maternal and paternal grandmother!

I was floating above two women who were discussing what to do with the different things in the house, as their mother had passed on and the belongings needed to be divided up. These women felt to be similar to my mother’s sisters, yet the house felt to be my father’s mother’s! I almost felt as though I was eavesdropping on their conversations, as they seemed to have no awareness of my presence. They were reminiscing with each item found and reliving memories of their lives.

With them was a little boy, who was constantly getting into things and being a general nuisance to their work. At one point, I saw the little boy climb something very high and knew he was in trouble. I had to intervene to bring him down safely, and it was at that point the women realized I was there!

What was interesting, though, was that they had no problem with the fact that I was just flying around them and bringing their boy back to safety! Now they are talking with me, and carrying on everyday conversation. I remember telling them about the old hat boxes and others things up in the rafters that I saw when I was flying around there.

What is really fascinating with this experience now is that I am much more aware than I ever have been while out of body! I feel as though I am in FULL control AND remembering more from my actual ‘physical’ life and bringing those thoughts into this experience!

Most times, when within an OBE, I have learned that I cannot stop to ‘think’ and analyze situations and events, as that is when I find myself being pulled back to body. Now, it seems, I have the ability to stop and ‘think’ of what I want to do and to bring in more ‘physical life’ references while keeping the experience going.

This was shown to me a few times, as I remember when I was watching these women pack up and leave the house, I decided I’d fly off to explore other areas. I started to move away from them I recall saying ‘Remember, I’ll see you later!”

It was at that point I realized that I wanted to ask someone while within an experience how could I have better recall when I became fully awake again.

So I turned and swooped back to the one woman and asked, “How can I remember more details when I am back in my body?” and her reply was, “why do you need to remember details? You know you’re out, you know you’re here”…and I replied, “because I like to write and share these experiences and need to have better recall”….but I could see that I was not going to get the answer I wanted, so gave up and flew off.

At another time while within this house, I remembered encountering my current husband and was a bit surprised to see him there! He tried to start a conversation with me, saying something about my son that had to be dealt with, but I recall my response clearly, “do we have to discuss it now? I don’t’ want to talk about it now because I’m out of body and we can do this when I return to my physical body!’ (I am guessing this might have been a challenge to see if I could maintain my awareness with a ‘real life’ person to encounter and deal with!)

I also remember trying to fly face first into an old section of the house above a door, just to show I could! Funny this is, I got stuck half way through and had to extricate myself slowly with some very strong mental affirmations!!

I moved to a flat area next to the grandmother’s house up high in the mountain, and looked out over the city below. Looking back at the house I thought, ‘who’s going to want to live in this old house? It’s so far away from everything and so old, yet it is filled with memories.’ My thoughts explained that this house had served its purpose and was perfect while they were here, but it was not needed any more so it would be gone. In thinking this, there was no strong emotional attachment; it just had to be this way.

Turning to face the city below, I now remember how much I wanted to once again fly over the countryside, swooping and enjoying the freedom it gave me. I took a running leap off the edge and flew over the city below, watching the people and looking into the windows on the various buildings.

I felt this to be an entirely different sort of city, one where people knew you were there and thought nothing of someone flying in to talk with them! One particular encounter I had was swooping down to talk to a young mother who had a child with her. She took advantage of asking me my medical opinion (how she knew I had that background, I don’t know!) about prescribing a certain medication refill for her son and if I’d do it for her.

I had to explain that this was a medication from another doctor and one I was not familiar with so she would have to get it from him. At this point another man stopped by to chat with us, describing his son’s use of that same medication and saying it wasn’t a good one. With that, I flew off.

I found myself with the knowing I was going back to body…and struggled to remember these details. Using my recorder once fully awake, I was so surprised to see via my phone clock that it was yet only 4:55am! I realized now that the clock on the wall that I looked at before was stopped at 2:10am and could not have said 5am!

Had I looked at a digital clock prior to my experience, chances are the numbers would have been abnormal somehow (as I’ve used this signal before) and I would have known for sure I was OOB.

Now, IMO, the learning in this experience I feel was not so much the particular interactions that I had, but the way in which I had the interactions. I was able to stop and take in more of my surroundings, and use recall of my physical life intentions to control what I did within the experience. Most times, I just do whatever comes my way, but for this one, I was the one in complete control of both thoughts and actions!

The realm I was traveling in played out like a ‘regular life’, but yet the people there were accustomed to having travelers like me dropping in. They seemed to know me and didn’t mind my presence, and I was just doing what I wanted when I wanted!

What is also interesting this time is the use of the recording “I’m dreaming” to bring me to a lighter state of awareness. This ‘twilight state’ is very conducive to getting out of body and it is that time when you are not quite asleep, yet not fully awake.

This suggestion might help those who are having difficulty getting out of body or remembering their dreams. With this busy world we live in, most of us are accustomed to jumping out of bed with the alarm each morning, dismissing any thoughts quickly as we prepare for our day.

Why not set the alarm a few minutes earlier? Or even better, use a second alarm that has a softer tone to it earlier than your ‘must get up’ alarm. Upon hearing this softer alarm (a soft chime, gong, or beep), know that you now have been brought to awareness and do not move a muscle. Keep your consciousness aware as you attempt to reconnect to the memories of whatever dream or thoughts you were just having. You may even be able to fade back into the ‘mind-awake, body-asleep’ state that is key for an out of body experience.

While reconnecting, you can use backward recall to find more details, starting with what you remember last and then thinking what happened just before. Use the ‘tagging’ system I mentioned in my blog where key points are ‘tagged’ with a single word for easier recall once fully awake.

Once now fully awake and moving, use these key words to quickly write or record your memories. You’ll find there are times when recurrent themes may be directing your thoughts that offer insight and help with your daily lives. It is by consistent journaling and practice that success will eventually come!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Response to Pass Through Truck Miracle Post

This is what I wrote in response to a request as to why I feel this 'Pass Through Truck Miracle' occurred in my might be insightful for others so I'll share it here too...

As for why it happened, I'll likely not fully know in this life, however, I do feel it may have been one of the 'built in' exits that could have been pre-planned into my life. We take much effort in-between lives, IMO, to create all types of options to be shown to us when necessary depending on what choices we make in this life. It's hard to imagine, but I believe that every single choice we make here has been seen before and a pre-planned set of experiences designed to maximize our learning here was created. This includes 'life exits' that may be needed.

At the time of this truck miracle (1999), I was in turmoil, emotionally exhausted, and going through a bad divorce. I was on my way to sign papers that I felt to be totally wrong to do so, yet had to do....(ok, so the details were that I was on my way to sign papers to mortgage my house, the one my father built for me as payment for taking care of his mother, to pay my soon-to-be ex his half of it!!! totally not fair in my eyes!)....

I remember reading once where we sometimes pre-plan certain points in our life where we are given the opportunity to 'exit' this life depending upon our degree of need or desire. This could have been one of those, and the fact that the crash didn't happen was because I was stable enough to know that my young children (at the time) were the reason I had to remain and wanted to do so. You can see that I had no idea this was going to happen, as I repeated with certainty that 'he's going to hit me!'

Also, I have to clarify at the time, I was not as involved in the astral travel nor have the understanding that I have now. Those were the times when life was my family, and the few dream experiences I had and such were nothing more than that. In hindsight now, I can see that I've been guided to this point in my life for various reasons.

I do have to say, that this wasn't the first time I had 'divine intervention' that stopped me from a catastrophic outcome. One other time when I was just a young woman of 25, I was saved from certain disaster with my first encounter with 'voices' within a dream. If interested, I can share that too...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Pass Through Truck - A Miracle in My Life

In discussing the idea of ‘true reality’ with others, I shared an unusual experience I had many years ago that I felt was much similar to this 'change in solidness' that I felt in my last OBE (150- Levels of Collective Consciousness). I feel it might help to share it here on my blog as well. This experience, however, it was in real life, hence my strong belief that you should be able to alter physical 'reality' as it is only an illusion of what 'true reality' is!

To share quickly, I was driving on a highway, going over a bridge. I pulled out to pass a long semi-truck (tractor trailer) and was just about half way up past him, when he decided to pull into my lane!! I had nowhere to go but over the side of the bridge, so I slammed on my brakes, knowing full well I was too far up the side of the truck to completely miss him!

It all played out in slow motion, hence why I KNOW I saw what I I'm repeating to myself, "he's going to hit me!" watching the truck move closer knowing I'll be pushed to water below....and then was UTTERLY AMAZED to see the back corner of the truck PASS THROUGH the hood of my car as he pulled completely in my lane in front of me!!!!!

I was shaking with disbelief and needed to pull over after he continued on his way, never realizing how close I came to certain death! I questioned myself as to what I really saw, but then I also KNOW that I did not make that up....I SAW two solid physical objects become 'transparent' and pass through each other, keeping me safe (but just a bit shook up!)

I think part of me 'knows' the real truth deeply, as this is why I am adamant about how illusory this life really is when I’m discussing it with others….but I can understand why others have a difficult time with this idea!

ADDENDUM - Be sure to click on comments below for more!

Monday, July 4, 2011

150) Levels of Collective Consciousness

July 4, 2011

I had a difficult time falling back asleep this morning after waking as usual about 3am. I found myself in that ‘twilight’ state for most of the next few hours, where you know you are not asleep, yet your body is very relaxed. Despite my best efforts, there was nothing happening.

I felt a bit frustrated at this apparent inability to get into the right mindstate for an exit, and finally after two hours, gave up and turned to my MP3’s I’ve used in my early years.

I was thrilled to realize that it worked and I now found myself at the edge of vibrations ready to separate! I could clearly see the back of the couch I was lying on, and knew I could just climb over and get out, so I did! It was an easy exit, and I wasted no time in taking off flying.

Once again, I have to apologize for the lack of recall, as I’m just as frustrated as anyone would be when they know there was SO much more done while out of body and yet, upon full consciousness, the memories disappear!

What I do recall is flying over some sort of building, open structures, rather like a wooden garden pagoda shape. As I passed over, I would put my hand down to feel top part of the structure, surprised to see that I could feel a ‘solidness’ to it and other times notice that my hand passed right through. I remember thinking why was this happening? (I realize now it was likely a prelude to what I was to learn)

My next recollection is walking through streets, telling myself “I will have full recall” trying to impress what was happening in my memory. I’m now sitting with a female, and the only word that remains is ‘consciousness’ as the topic of our conversation. My impression is that we were talking about the many different levels of consciousness that exist and how it depends on where we are in that ‘mix’ as to what we will perceive as reality.

I remember learning something like is it not just our individual ‘consciousness’ that determines our ‘reality’, but that it is a combinations of all the ‘consciousness’ levels that exist in our physical environment. I had always thought that there was my own individual one, and a general ‘collective consciousness’ that existed that ultimately affected our physical lives here.

What prompted this, I believe, is a discussion I have been having a discussion with another about what ‘reality’ is. He feels that what we know as our physical reality here is more of an ‘external’ and separate influence in our lives, and which I believe is more of an individually created and influenced reality existing here. I did, however, agree it was difficult to fully understand how one person can affect what appears to be ‘external’ physical reality in any big way due to the overwhelming ‘collective consciousness’ effect that exists as well.

I now seem to understand that our individual consciousness is not just our own perceptions, but also what we have assimilated through a multitude of levels of other ‘collective consciousnesses’, from the smaller family and societal level consciousness, to larger religious and cultural consciousness that also make up our individual realities. This is very difficult to explain, but the idea was that there were many more levels of influence out there than just the two I had thought.

This was also shown to me in a series of ‘hands on’ demonstrations, where I can recall trying different awareness levels and doing different tasks. For instance, I can remember being adamant that a surface was solid, completely and utterly impenetrable, and to prove it, slammed my hand down on the counter to show how sturdy it is. Yet, at the same time, I knew I was out of body so I should not be able to do so. I remember the ‘feel’ of that solidness, only to change the next minute when I was told to raise my vibration and awareness to be able to gently glide my hand right through that same surface!

One other demonstration had to do with the sense of smell, and I can recall asking what that smell I was being shown was and the word ‘coriander’ is all I have left of those details.

Again, it seems I am always saying how much I don’t remember, but yet somehow, I am able to bring back at least a little bit to share! There was so much more but at least I do know that I came away with a deeper understanding of what reality is…and what it isn’t!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

149) Transition to Consciousness Using Fear

I just wanted to share a quick experience I had with a short nap I had today, something I rarely do (take a nap) but maybe I should consider! lol

I've always wondered why it is that I don't become 'lucid' when I find myself undergoing some significant distress in my dreams. It would seem to me that if I felt I was in a 'dire moment' where I was about to undergo some significant injury or even death that I should be able to realize it's only a dream and wake up to 'consciousness'.

In thinking about this more lately, I realized that should I next find myself in this type of situation, that it WOULD be a good idea to just 'assume' I'm dreaming and take off. With the understanding that this life is 'but a dream' in essence (as we are spiritual beings having a physical body), even if it WAS 'physical life' that this was happening in, then I'd still 'wake to consciousness' on the other side! Does this make sense? In other words, I would avoid the pain and suffering of a severe injury or 'death' if it was 'real life' or a dream, thereby enjoy the easy transition to my real 'self'!

Anyway, I had the chance to use this new idea today, as I found myself doing something around a heavy machinery tractors (what I was doing there, I had no idea!) At one point, the backhoe (digging machine) that I had climbed up on started to tilt and fall backward down a steep incline. I was immediately catapulted upward off the front of the machine very, very high!!

I 'knew' that I was about to be killed or severely injured when I landed, as there would be no avoiding it with how high I was. I somehow remembered at that point that there was no reason to fear, it HAD to be a dream and that I could just take off flying! And I did!!! I was THRILLED to know that I could do this, feeling my falling body now soaring and not having to worry about being hurt or dying!!!

Ok, that's it...maybe doesn't sound like much, but I can see that my experiences are taking things up a notch and becoming more frequent. I'm thrilled they've returned and just wanted to share my new 'perspective' on things!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

148) California Adventures; Meeting Jaime and OOB in a Plane!


I had met my new OBE friend Jaime for the first time this day, and set the intention to see if I could go visit in an OBE that night. My first recollection after my induction was of being in a hospital-type area with friends caring for me, helping me to move from one room to another. I knew I wanted to go, but yet I might not be ready.

Impatiently I rolled out and immediately fell backward, unsteady and unable to control my movements. I could hear my daughter and a friend (Bill?) talking in distance going off to explore but I was not in control enough to move to go with them.

Finding myself back in body, I noticed a beautiful multicolored geometric mosaic design behind my closed eyes that swirled around until it faded and I found myself fully aware again.

I consciously attempted to induce again, and this time found it was an easy exit, as I moved out the door to fly up through some trees (as usual). This time, though, I stopped to ask the tree if it ever had a hug, and then grabbed some leaves and branches to give it a hug.

I went off, with limited recall now as I had such an unexpected ending to this experience that it overtook these memories. I recall only of flying high, very dark at first having to state ‘clarity now’ twice to try to improve, and impressing three words into my consciousness to help with my recall. “horse”? “house“? and a third word I have no memory of now. Vaguely, I can remember seeing a wide open plain with horse(s) below me.

One other memory was seeing a city below me lit up with lights as it was night time, knowing it was a different appearance than the cities back home. It appeared to be in a flat area but surrounded by mountains, similar to the landscape I noticed in California. My only ‘feelings’ left to this beginning experience was as if I was ‘high and far away’ with wonderful memories when I returned to my body.

I remember the usual fumbling with the recorder, seeing the lit display with odd numbers, so I knew it was a signal of a false awakening. I was excited to record what I had remembered, so I pulled back to more wakefulness, but was surprised to see that the recorder was still malfunctioning again.

I was about to pull awake once more when I noticed a man and two young boys standing behind the couch I was lying on. “Jaime is here!” was the first impression I had, but also knew he looked just a bit different. He had on some sort of ‘uniform’ but it wasn’t military, a short sleeve single color (white? gold?) chef-type shirt with a design on the right sleeve. (This is why the memories of the first part faded quickly, as I was so excited to see him!)

With him were two boys around the age of 8 or 9. I remember sitting and chatting with them, Jaime with one boy on his lap and the other standing in front. We were laughing and having a good time. I tried to look closely at the young boys to be able to describe what they looked like after awakening.

Both boys had brown eyes, the one on Jaime’s lap with small style dark color frame glasses and messy wavy hair in a beautiful red-brown color. I remember remarking on how messy it was! The other boy had a mop of hair, brown, rounder face and possibly freckles. I wasn’t sure if Jaime was their caretaker or the one was related and the other a friend. I remember thinking what nice kids they were!

Because I was so surprised to see Jaime at the end when I was ‘pulling back’ to awareness, I have completely forgotten when it was that I did earlier in the night, and can only remember these few details. I just know I came back from ‘far away’ and ‘high’ and had a fantastic time!

But it was also SO nice to know that my intention to ‘go see’ Jaime the same night I met him for the first time brought him here to my daughter’s place at the end of a great OBE!

In speaking with Jaime later, I found that that he remembered sitting and talking with people that night, but no recollection of the young boys or any idea who they could have been. Because Jaime is very familiar with the OBE process as well, I feel it just may have been a connection we both shared that night.

6/22/11 Plane flight home

In meeting with OBE friends in California and sharing their excitement, it motivated me to want to try something new and see if I could get OOB while traveling on the plane to home, since I knew it was a long trip and I could sleep. I was concerned it might not happen, as I have never attempted this in a noisy, bumpy, moving environment, but still wanted to try.

In used my usual affirmations and visualization before sleep, and remember being surprised to feel my left knee floating up as I sat in the plane seat. (I was in a window seat, next to the wing of the plane.) It didn’t bring me to awareness of possibly being OOB, as my mind registered it as something interesting but not that unusual.

It was at that point that we had to have hit some turbulence, or maybe my seatmate moved slightly to bump me, but I felt my astral leg quickly and heavily sink back into my physical body, enough to startle me to more awareness.

I realized ‘hey wow! I WAS starting to get OOB!’ Without waking completely, I settled back in and soon found both knees now floating up, to the point where I felt totally squished in the seat! I wondered how do I get out fully while sitting in this plane seat?!?

I thought a change in position might help, so I leaned back, falling through the back of the seat, and then used a ‘floating’ visualization to try to lift. My next memory is of seeing the ceiling of the plane only inches from my face!!

I now realized I was out!! I was so thrilled, yet I told myself not to get too excited. I remember thinking I should verify it by moving my hand through the roof of the plane. As I placed my hand partially through the ceiling successfully, I fearfully remembered I was in a moving airplane and maybe shouldn’t disturb some important ‘wiring’ or such and so pulled my hand back in quickly! (This shows me how strong my beliefs were that you just don’t go outside or mess with a moving airplane!! lol)

Now I’m doing handstands on the back of the seats, flopping myself into unsuspecting passengers laps and then moved to the front of the plane. I found two open seats next to a young male and thought I’d just stop here to check out first class. While there, the stewardess made some announcement, and I realized that no one was too happy about her disturbing their quiet. I could feel the passenger’s ‘irritation’ and even sensed some ‘discontent’ from the stewardess as she performed her job.

At that point we did hit turbulence, and I awoke fully from my sleep. I was so happy to have succeeded! I knew I had felt ‘confined’ to the inside of the plane, with my fear of causing problems should I have exited it.

What is very interesting, though, is that soon after I awoke, I was able to see the TV screen of the row ahead of me. It was playing a Bugs Bunny cartoon where he was returning the Tasmanian devil home to Tasmania. Bugs Bunny was flying home, and was sad about leaving behind the Tasmanian devil.

Just before landing, Bugs looks out the plane and sees the Tasmanian devil riding home with him out on the wing of the plane!! I knew this was meant for me to see, as I felt at that time that the next time I WILL be able to remember that I cannot be harmed and will get out to see what it’s like on the wing as we fly!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

147) Multiple exits; Instant Movement; Comets; Fighter Pilot

June 9, 2011

What was interesting about this OBE was the fact that I had multiple exits and multiple scenes that I interacted in, but as usual, my recall is limited to only a few specific details.

What I found this time was that I was enjoying so much more ‘movement’ with an apparent ability to instantaneously move to a new situation or scene without the usual long black tunnels and sensations of ‘time’ passing. I believe most of my lost recall is due to these multiple ‘instant’ scene changes.

As you may know from past posts, I try to use a single word recall for different parts to jog my memory once awake. I remember attempting to ‘pin’ one word signals to these various scenes, and was only able to hang onto the tags “door”, “stadium”, “comet”, “jet”, and “cuddle”, as key points to remember. The rest of the descriptions I write are formed from the ‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’ that are recalled with these signal words.

I do know I was ‘out’ multiple times, as the key word ‘door’ indicates. I remember thinking each time I found myself back to body that I wasn’t done and wanted out again! There was great control of my exits and each time I would take a moment to ‘feel’ the change in texture as I passed through my front door, which is why that stuck with me as a memory.

At one point in this OBE, while I was out flying fast and furious and enjoying my freedom, I heard someone call, ‘come look at this!’ I was just outside a “NASA” (my word to describe it) stadium like structure and was able to peek through an opening to see some football type game being played below. In another ‘porthole’, I remember seeing a young boy and young girl practicing some sort of gymnastic type activity with their feet involving balance.

The scene changed and now I find myself moving instantly to outer space, surrounded by darkness yet seeing this beautiful glowing planet before me. Initially I thought it was Earth, but as I got closer realized it had the same beautiful blue with white swirls but no land! I passed by it, not even pausing to check it out, and saw what I thought were more planets in the distance.

As they got closer, I saw beautiful ‘bubbling’ swirling colors all around it, and was surprised to see it swoosh past me with a glorious swirl of color extending far behind it. I knew now it was a comet, and turned to see another one just as beautiful with its colors and swirls, zooming past me on the other side!

I knew I was always ‘up high’ in these experiences, and have even a faint recall of being in a tropical type area with high mountains that I tried to fly up and over. The interesting part about this, though, was that as high as I moved, the mountains moved even higher! I had to eventually realize I was not going to get over them and stopped myself.

Looking down below, I distinctly remember thinking, “wow, good thing I’m not afraid of heights!” because of how high I was!

The most interesting recall of this multiple OBE is likely the ‘jet’ reference, as I remember finding myself inside a fighter plane as it flew. It was a more recent type plane, maybe WWII or later. I am just behind the pilot watching as he is engaged in a dogfight with another plane! I could see bullets hitting the windshield in front!

I’m watching closely, but what I found most interesting is the lack of ‘emotion’ attached to this ‘life or death’ scene! It was as if I had a ‘detached neutrality’ to it, knowing that it’s all part of a ‘human drama’ that ultimately was not necessary nor needed as a part of my ‘life’. It almost felt as though this was a past life, as I felt I was both the pilot and the one who watched. The feeling I had was, ‘yup, this was just something that happened’ and did not put any emotional tie to it at all.

The final ‘cuddle’ reference is when I found myself back on the couch, as I was in physical, but with a pair of masculine arms encircling my waist. Different from the previous experiences where I knew I was out in the ‘open’ and ‘up high’, this was more of a ‘near physical realm’ sensation. I was a bit hesitant as I felt this touch was just a bit too close, and I turned to see who this man was, as I was not afraid although I did not recognize him as anyone I knew.

He was talking to me and I was having difficulty understanding his words. I remember asking him a few times to please repeat what he’s saying, as I just couldn’t hear them clearly. I somehow knew he wanted to get ‘closer’ and tried to kiss me after placing his hands on my breasts. His kiss was not appealing at all, and I knew it was time to stop.

I woke with a bit of emotion that I had to ‘let go’ in order to try to fade back into the right mindstate for recall and was upset to forget so much! I was finally able to drift back, trying to reenter the experience with my recorder running to recall at least these particular scenes I’ve shared with you.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Remembering for a Reason


I think I’ll share with everyone an interesting ‘epiphany’ I had this morning and see what others think of it.

I was walking down my driveway this morning, slowly strolling along and enjoying the fresh smell of ‘just rained’ air, feeling the cool breeze on my face, and listening to the beautiful sounds of the birds enjoying their morning. I was ‘connecting’ to this moment, feeling a part of this beauty, and trying to impress its sensations into my memory.

As I was doing this, I felt a familiar ‘twang’ of sadness, in thinking that once we are no longer in our physical bodies that these very ‘human’ sensations would not be available to us in the same ‘feel’ as we have now.

I can remember I have always tried to ‘impress my memory’ with these small moments knowing I’d want to recall them at a later date, but never really sure why I did it. Little moments like feeling the spray of rushing water, the soft smell of rain-soaked earth, the sound of a kitten purring, the sight of a simple cloud formation, and just everyday life moments that were not ‘significant’ in any big sense but somehow I knew I needed to take the time to ‘experience’.

Today, while walking and being one with it all, I heard myself think a thought that I don’t think I really thought!! lol Instead of a sadness in thinking this physical-ness is limited to what we have here, I was told that it is THESE experiences, this connection and taking the moment to FULLY feel in the here and now that will be remembered, just as we are experiencing it now when we pass over!

I realized that when the sages say we are here to ‘remember’, it also means that we are to focus on all these little experiences of human life that are so specific to this life! By remembering we are spiritual beings (step one) we can then move forward to remembering our experiences (step two) so that there is more to experience with our ‘selves’ once we return!

So many people go through life just dashing about, moving from one experience to another, and never truly ‘experiencing’ the moment! It is in our conscious imprinting of the simple beautiful moments while we are in physical that will allow us to TAKE WITH US the memory of how it feels!!! It is never lost once we return to spirit!

Somehow this revelation made me even happier today to know that I am here in this life, eager to keep moving forward with my experiences, and thankful that I can consciously experience these special moments to take back with me when I return home to spirit! :)