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Sunday, September 30, 2007

23) OBE - Feeling Through Objects

I thought I'd share some of the numerous experiences I have from my dream journal that I have not yet transcribed into a posting. It is so interesting to see how I have progressed and what is possible with just a little intent and determination! Anyone CAN do this if I can!

April 6, 2007 7am

This experience was recorded in my dream journal back in April and to this day, remains vivid in my mind. I remember prior to this OBE, telling the Universe that I wish to be able to feel what it was like to go through physical objects while OBE. This experience allowed me to have that awareness for the first time.

I was in that semi-awake stage in early AM and was able to get the ‘feeling’ of going out by thinking of driving my car with my husband next to me. I remember him putting his arms around me and curling into his embrace (while driving!).

I realized then that I was losing control of the car around a very sharp left turn as the car continued to go straight! I could tell I was talking off by the increasing roaring sound in my ears, and then hearing waterfalls and children’s voices.

The sounds continued to build, and I was aware enough to think “out of body now!”, saying, “ok, I will now get to see my body in bed because I’m out”. Again I was not able to do so as I immediately was pulled backward very quickly down a dark black tunnel.

(In the beginning as I felt I should be able to see my body in bed, but now realize that it is such an insignificant part of the OBE experience, especially since it always brings me back to body!)

I arrived at the entrance to a resort-type area, floating above the area in something like an inner tube, very relaxed, and feeling something soft in my hands to hold onto. (It felt like the same material I was wearing for an eye mask at that time). It was a comforting feeling, floating in the yard outside a large mansion, following a stream as it coursed down the edge of the yard. It was really beautiful.

I could see the water swirling as it moved, and it thought it’d be fun to go put my feet in the water. I immediately ‘heard’ a voice saying something about the ‘water is too….?’ So I just said ok, whatever, I don’t have to do that and continued on.

The trees and the landscape was beautiful as I floated up to the house, and I could ‘hear’ voices describing some sort of ‘instructions’ to me as it got closer. The voices were very muffled and difficult to hear, so I think “I can’t hear you!” It doesn’t help at all (in hindsight, I should have said ‘Clarity now!’), but I do recall hearing something about “nobody refuses….” or something like that, meaning that no one comes here except by their own free will and that no one is forced to come here.

Now I’m about 10-15 feet above the ground heading for the main entrance which is a large doorway, very elegant, and got the feeling that this is a ‘resort’ place where you go to have fun. I go into the house, see a beautiful winding staircase, chandeliers, and just elegance all around.

I am under that staircase and now realize that I wanted to be able to watch as my hand goes through a wall. I moved to the wall by the stairs, and pushed my hand into it. It disappeared into the wall, and I pull it out quickly, saying “Wow! I can do it!” I put it back in, felt something unusual (like a wall stud?) and realized it was only the different textures I was feeling. I remembered at that time to thank the Universe for allowing me to do this since it was a goal I had asked to obtain.

Now I float into a sitting room of sorts, and can see ‘people’ all around, realizing they are only spirits since some of them are not fully formed (can only see parts of them). They are all having a good time and there was a woman (receptionist?) at the desk.

As I stood there to ‘check in’, I could see off to my left a group of people who were practicing singing, like a choir would do. Interesting to note, they were all in black in white only, so I smiled at the receptionist and joked about “oh, is it black & white day today?” The receptionist was wearing colors, though, and without speaking to me, floated away with me following her. Just as we passed by this ‘black & white’ choir, I lost the feeling and found myself back in my body in bed.

I was so aware that this was real, and not a dream, that I recorded it immediately and then feel back to sleep asking how I was going to help others doing this OBE stuff.

I immediately became aware of a vision of four people standing around my bed, looking at me. I am fully aware I am lying in bed, looking up, and seeing the environment around me change, yet it registered to me as a normal occurrence so I wasn’t concerned.

The first person I saw was a young woman with a pillbox type hat and a 1960’s look – short dark straight hair, felt like a stewardess-type – very pretty. As I see them looking down at me in bed, I say to myself, “oh, I can’t let her see me!” so I look away. She faded away, but again it made me aware enough to realize I’m ‘awake’ yet lying in my bed.

On my left is a young boy, a grandmother-like figure next to him, and on my right was a mother-figure, and closest to me on my right was a young girl. It was the boy I felt the strongest connection with - approximately age 7-8, sandy short hair, cute – and the girl had short, dark straight hair. She leaned over me to get close, looking intently at my face, and the feeling I got was that she was saying, “oh, I like her!, we’ll do fine with her, she’s nice!” I distinctly got the impression they were ‘checking me out’ and I woke IP immediately afterward.

Monday, September 24, 2007

22) Control Issues in Direct OBE

5:50am September 24, 2007

Woke around 4am and couldn’t sleep, so I went to couch to where it was quieter. I did affirmations and visualizations for a short time and must have fallen asleep.

Without a lot of recall as to exactly how, I remember finding myself standing next to the couch and knowing I had to move away from my body to think clearer. I said “to the door!” and surprisingly, felt I was being pulled in a totally opposite direction than I thought the door was! (Now I realize my orientation was off due to the 360 degree view you get OOB!)

I was being pulled backward through blackness, no longer feeling in control of the experience. The next I knew I was with young man (longer sandy blond hair, Nordic-looking, smiling) and riding in something that had these small windows you could see out of.

He was someone new to me, and again, just off to my left. I asked for his name and just like the other times when I am with someone, he responds but I don’t understand at first. I ask again (as I have this terrible need to know names!) and he says, with a smile, “Tangible” (but pronounced with a ‘tahn’ sound in the beginning).

(In reviewing my experience, I can see that this may have been just any ‘name’ to give me something ‘tangible’ to use so I’d stop asking him!)

Now I could see the outside of my house from up in the air, realizing I’m still moving backward away from this location. I couldn’t see very clearly yet I didn’t have the awareness or control to use “Clarity now!” that has always worked before. However, I was very much aware that I was out of body and moving very fast.

We stopped in a place I felt was a ‘station’ of sorts and now ‘Tangible’ is just relaxing while I get the chance to look around. There is another girl there, also relaxing, and I get the feeling she too is waiting for her ‘charge’ to look around, as she has a similar feeling as ‘Tangible’.

I stopped to talk with her and she asks me a question about her son/daughter(?) who had inward turned feet and if it was fixable. (I felt that my being a nurse she somehow thought I’d know – it’s interesting to note that the feeling I got from both the girl and ‘Tangible’ was not that of a highly advanced soul, but one that was ‘working’)

I told the girl that to fix the feet it was usually just a surgical correction, and with that she immediately looked up in a book the address/numbers (I remember 9-1-??zipcode?) of a doctor’s name (started with P..). She said “good, then I will send her there for a job and he’ll take care of it getting the feet corrected”.

At this time, another woman, (someone familiar to me but I still can’t recall who it was) came into the ‘station’ and was very worried and concerned, saying “you’ve got to come talk with me, and we can’t talk here” as she lead me out a side door.

Just as we were going out, she said to look first and see who’s in the sink(!?) As I look into another part of this building I can see my brother sitting in big kitchen sink area, thinking, “Oh now what’s he doing in the sink!” I can feel there was a lot of drama tied up around him and her, and that somehow they needed to have this drama in their lives. I felt as though they were trying to get me pulled into it with them.

At this point, I cannot recall what exactly happened, but I found myself coming back to the couch area, and I was aware enough to know I didn’t want to ‘go back’ yet. This was the first time ever I was able to keep from returning to my body, trying to keep the moving sensations going to stay out of body. I knew I was only a few inches above my body, and was concentrating on not returning.

At the same time, my son Stephen appeared (not in real ‘physical’ reality), walking into the living room (where I was) and he was saying, “wow, it’s really cold in here!” as he walked right past me to a chair that was next to the couch. I am still concentrating on staying out of body and not fully waking, so I just ignored him, despite the noise he made.

Finally I was able to roll out quickly from the couch area, almost landing on top of him where he sat! I am fully aware I am out of body, and again I just automatically took off to another area without conscious control again. (or at least to the best of my recall)

I moved into this room, a kitchen-like area, with a mother and 3 girls. The mother was short, stocky, and she had 3 daughters. One was about 18 months old in a high chair, the other two were about 5 and 9 years old.

The mother was showing me this beautiful toy baby carriage that she would love to have for her girls, but I felt she was not able to obtain it for some reason. (The carriage was right there, but it wasn’t hers?) She was saying, “oh, wouldn’t Margaret love to have this!” and as I’m listening to her, I know I’m supposed to remember the name Margaret to use and that I had to get them to go someplace, to leave this room.

I told the mother that I saw this same baby carriage in a local store for a very reasonable price, that that I’d go with her to pick one out. She was very hesitant and didn’t want to leave, not sure if she should go, so I added that it would be a great Christmas present for Margaret and that she should get a head start on her gifts now so it will be easier closer to the holidays.

The impression I got was she finally agreed and was going to go with me as the room faded and I found myself wide awake back on the couch.

Upon awakening, I do recall that there was a lot more activity that happened throughout this long experience, but it faded from my memory so quickly I could not remember it all.

I do know I was definitely out of body, but without a lot of control, just going along with whatever I was being shown. Again, this was an OBE not from a dream conversion as I usually have so it was interesting to see that I lost a lot of recall and did not have the control I usually do.

21) OBE during Workshop

I had the great fortune to be attending the workshop given by William Buhlman in Maine over the past weekend, and want to share with you the experience I had the first night there.

With affirmations and visualizations given as ‘homework’ for the night, we all went to bed, hoping to wake after a few hours of sleep to begin again with the intent of experiencing an OBE.

I awoke on my own at 2:22am (a good sign for me with the numbers!), and after getting up a few minutes, I went back to bed to start the affirmations and visualizations again. After a while, I had apparently fallen asleep, but my mind registered the feeling I was still awake, as it felt like just a continuation of what I had previously been doing!

Now I am listening to all the running water from the other rooms (this was an old restored mansion we were staying in) from what I assume was the other participants who were also up in the middle of the night also attempting to do their ‘homework’.

So, I’m listening to the running water, wishing I’d just fall asleep or OBE, and suddenly felt the air around me become electrically charged, warm and tingling. Looking at the small TV in the corner, I somehow ‘knew’ that it was going to turn on all by itself, and no sooner than I had that thought, it DID! (Remember I said I felt I was awake, but as you will see, I apparently was not!)

That freaked me out a bit, but I didn’t do anything, thinking “Well, I’ll just lie here and not move to see what happens”, as I know the key to success with OBE’s is not to do anything about unusual happenings in the night.

So, the reminder for you here is that I usually have dream conversions where I see/hear/feel something unusual in a dream and then am able to become ‘aware’ that I’m dreaming. This allows me to just roll out and get OOB.

Now, I’m assuming my ‘higher self/guiding spirit’ realized I wasn’t going to do anything about this anomaly (because I thought I was AWAKE!), so when I looked at the clock on the bedside stand, it said 7:47 am! When I saw that, I quickly ‘rolled out’ of bed as I thought I was going to be late for breakfast at 8am!

Now I’m standing by a fireplace near by bed in my same physical room surroundings (fireplace is NOT there in real life, but area where one would have been is), getting undressed to get ready for breakfast. I remember pulling a sock and then a snowmobile boot off my foot (again, I should have realized this anomaly as a trigger to becoming aware within the experience - as I don’t usually wear snowmobile boots with socks OVER them to bed!)

As I stand up and look off to my left, there is a young man standing there – non-confrontational and smiling – but rather startling to see as I think I’m getting undressed! He’s about 18-22 years old, has a left eye that is deformed/lazy in some way, dark hair, and is wearing a blue cotton shirt. I immediately get the feeling that he’s here to clean the room.

Again, I’m thinking I’m really awake and this is just a bit more that I want at this time, so I yell to him, “get out!” Just before he fades, he hands me a rag-type item that I get the impression of the words ‘soot cleaner’ with. (I guess he just wanted to clean the fireplace!)

I then feel the quick pull back to bed, and wake up for real at 4:21 am, with nothing but peaceful quiet throughout the room. (No TV, no running water)

This 'false awakening' sensation is a bit more frequent now in my experiences and I wonder if it is my attempts at becoming OOB while NOT in a actual 'dream' state.

20) William Buhlman Workshop + addendum

To all my new friends and co-participants in the William Buhlman Workshop held 9/21-23, 2007 in Poland Springs, Maine –

Welcome to my blog!

Thank you all for being a part of a most informative and exciting weekend and for sharing all of your experiences.

I wish you all the very best in life, with much love and happiness - and want to remind you all that INTENT is everything - you CAN do it and you WILL!

Please keep me informed of your successes, sharing the learning process is so important; I know you CAN DO IT!

All my best to you all, and HAPPY TRAVELS!,

Addendum: 10/9/2007

I thought I'd edit this post to include a description of the workshop and all it included for those who may get a chance to hear William Buhlman speak. This was such a phenomenal weekend for me, sharing thoughts and experiences with those of a similar mind. It was worth it just for that!

It was a very special time, spending the weekend away from home to go bask in the 'energy' created by being with those who share the same thoughts and desires. William Buhlman was a fantastic speaker, one who spoke easily and intelligently, in a very down-to-earth manner. (no pun intended! lol)

Day One started Friday evening, where we went through some introductory lecture and guided imagery sessions. The meditative sessions are all designed to show different techniques of going OBE and to expand our awareness of other dimensions by using the mind to create our experiences, and not rely on physical senses.

William Buhlman gave some background in beliefs and blockages, and how they interrelate with our progress in learning to go out of body. He described affirmations and intentions and how they can be used. We were shown a basic progressive relaxation technique to start , and then later we experienced his 'target' method meditation in which he guided us through a room in our house to pick out five objects to 'sense' fully in our minds.

We were then given 'homework' to do that night, to practice using this technique. (See my next post #21 for the result of my homework!! lol)

Day Two we covered more techniques, as well as lectures on various OBE adventures and issues that were a concern for the participants. We started with a 'hot air balloon' visualization, where we had to 'let go' of the heavy ballast weights that were weighing us down. These weights symbolized our 'beliefs' that no longer served us and needed to be released.

We did a 'stretching' technique where we visualized our etheric body extending more and more above and below ourselves.

In another imagery attunement, we sat 'eye to eye' with a partner for a few minutes and shared any feelings and/or images that occurred. (That one was interesting...first time ever I actually 'saw' my partner change into something else..but that's another story!)

We then were taken on a past life regression and shared our different experiences. In the evening, we held a fire ceremony outside that he learned in Peru which enabled us to 'release' more blockages and 'manifest' our deepest desires.

Afterward, we went through another meditation where we became a great bird, flying and enjoying our new found freedom high in the mountains.

Day Three started with more lectures, including the similarity between UFO abductions and OBEs. We learned about working with the higher self and opening the chakras.

Two final techniques we did included the creation of an energy body, where we visualized the formation of a second energy body above us and tranferred our consciousness into it. Lastly, he taught us his 'rope' technique to pull yourself out of body, as explained in his book.

These were three of the best days I have spent, just learning and absorbing the great energy there and making new friends. Mr. Buhlman is such a good speaker, you can't help but be captivated! He will get you motivated to do more than you ever thought you could! Anyone who gets a chance to go hear him speak should definitely go.

Hmmm, this sounds like an paid advertisement, but its not....I did enjoy this workshop that much!! lol

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

19) Movie Lot waves

2:30am 8/19/07

This was written a few hours after waking, as I can still remember major points. I wish I had recorded it! I remember thinking at the time that it wasn’t that ‘significant’ a dream but again, in full waking state, I realize it just may have been!

Was in a ‘movie lot’ of sorts, gathering people to come watch ‘the show’ that was going to start. I knew all about what was going to happen and wanted others to watch the event. We lined up along a wall on one side of the lot, and then the ‘show’ started. It was really nothing more than a wall of water that exploded out of the center hill area and swirled all over, filling the entire lot with waves of wild water. To me it felt refreshing and exhilarating!

It got to the point where it was going to start filling up the area where we were sitting, but I knew that it would only get to be about ankle level, so I already had my shoes off so I could enjoy putting my bare feet in the water. The others sitting with me were frightened and worried that the water was going to be washing over and engulfing us. I knew that wasn’t going to happen, so I just said, ‘stay, wait and see because we are safe’.

At one point I stood and looked over to another ‘movie lot’ across the way and saw more activity and water movement, knowing that this was going to be ‘part 2’ of the movie and that others were there now going through it, so I had to wait for our turn. I was excited for some reason, knowing that ‘part 2’ was going to be even more ‘fun’ than this part one I was at!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

18) Finally! OOB in the near-physical again

5:44 am August 26, 2007

It's been a long few weeks with only intermittent, yet still symbolic, dreams occurring. I have not been sharing them here as I think they would probably be not as interesting to others who would not be able to relate to them as I do.

However, I will share another definite out-of-body experience, even though it is nothing as exciting as some of the ones here on the blog.

My first recollection that I was dreaming involved a short dream sequence that had my daughter coming upstairs to see me while I was 'sleeping'. I remember her asking me for permission to let her go to the SuperBowl, which immediately made me realize, 'hey, this is not right.....she is not home tonight, and she would never want to go there....', which was my key that I was now 'dreaming'.

Becoming aware I was in this 'altered' state (mind awake/body asleep), I then tried to see if I could move my astral arms and legs. It took a few minutes of wriggling around, but I soon was able to feel them move, so I concentrated on "out of body now!" while attempting to roll out. On the second try, I found myself standing at the side of the bed, feeling a bit wobbly, in complete darkness, and with a lot of 'heaviness' surrounding me.

Surprisingly, I could feel my pet Labrador's head pressed against my right leg (as he usually does when he wants my attention) and wondered how he could really be there. I didn't take the time to focus on his being there, since I was concentrating on moving away from my body.

I was thrilled to realize I was 'out', and remembered to say 'clarity now!' to get my vision improved. To get moving, I said 'to the door!' and glided to the door and out into the hallway. As usual, the farther I got away from my body, the less 'pull' and 'heaviness' I felt, and was able to maneuver better.

I went down the stairs to the living room, and stopped there wondering, 'what am I going to do now?' I realized I could still feel my pet's head pressed against my leg, so I took a second to scratch his head and thank him for being with me. Again, I didn't spend too much time wondering why he was there because I felt it would 'awaken' me too much.

It's been a long time since I was able to get into the near-physical with familiar surroundings, so I was not really prepared as I should have been with a planned objective for travel.

Looking out the window on my left, I said 'to the outdoors!' and then felt myself pass through the wall into the backyard. Again, I realized my vision was not as clear as I wished, so I again said, 'clarity now!', with little effect. I was able to remember then to state, "I see clearly now!" which immediately cleared my vision. Interesting to note, once I was outside, I could no longer feel my dog at my side.

I could see the trees and houses next door, and then turned to look up into the nearest tree. I thought I'd like to feel the leaves and see from the tree top so I glided up gently, enjoying the freedom. I felt the unusual texture of the leaves, and was able to see my backyard in a full-view panorama from the treetop.

It was so exhilarating and exciting for me to be out again! Unfortunately, something caused me to feel that 'return to body' sensation and I awoke in bed immediately.

I know this is really a 'nothing' experience in terms of doing something constructive, but it did give me the assurance that I have not lost my ability to OOB and will still be able to work on achieving more in the future.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

17) Robot Factory

Since it's been a bit of a 'dry' spell for me at this time, and I had the time to review past experiences, I thought I'd share another experience from a few months ago that had the same familiar male 'guide' with me whom I still have yet to learn his name! As always, he is just behind me and talking to me, making me feel so comfortable, happy, and lighthearted!

4/22/07 5am

I am lying in bed, aware of an opening in my eyes, like a little hole I could see out of, and then it became like I was looking through a ‘windshield of a car’ again. The opening would close, then open slightly, and close again and I would work on trying to pry it open fully to ‘full screen’, which eventually it did.

As it opened I was looking at what appeared to be the side of a road as I am passing by, with little yellow flowers along an embankment of sorts, which allowed me to become more aware that I was ‘going out’. Upon this realization, I opened wide to a full countryside area and I said, “Take me to where I need to go to learn”.

Immediately I felt drawn backward through a black tube-like tunnel, very quickly, where all was quiet for what felt like a long time. (Was long enough that I was able to remember thinking, ‘wow, this is a long time in this tunnel!’ lol)

As I became aware of my surroundings, I felt I was high up in the air and someone was with me. It appeared to be a sort of ‘robot/mannequin’ factory where there were these lifelike mannequins or robots lined up on a hook on a cable high in the air. They were being transported somewhere, and I could feel something ‘hook’ me as I held onto one of the mannequins.

I am riding this cable down an assembly line and ride along as it curves to the left. I get off and again fully aware that someone was with me. Now I had to go into the building carrying this robot/mannequin with me. As I move toward the building, I realize this male figure is with me, talking about ‘us’ and ‘them’, telling me something I can’t fully recall. I remember asking him twice “Us?” wondering who he meant in talking about ‘us’. He tried to explain but I couldn’t figure out who the ‘us’ was, knowing ‘them’ was the people who made the mannequins.

He was behind me, and I started to go down a flight of stairs, awkwardly and with difficulty, carrying this robot. Just before I started to down the steps, I said, ‘Wait! I want to know who you are, I want to see you!’. I turned around to face him, saw a young, clean cut male with short dark hair, and very handsome, smiling at me. Again he started telling me about ‘us’ and ‘them’ as he puts his hand on me to help me down the stairs. I feel I want to get even closer to him, so I put my arm around his back for more support.

As I start down the stairs, another female ‘worker’ quickly cuts ahead of me and I start bumping into her, apologizing, because I’m just so clumsy with this robot I’m carrying.

Now, I’m on the stairs and make it down into a hallway of sorts, only to find my male ‘guide’ already there ahead of me! I remember saying to him, “oh, that was a cute trick!”

Now I heard someone call to me from down the hallway, ‘hey, you’ve got to come see this!’ and I go to a room on my left and look into it. It’s a sort of office that is very cluttered, and piled with papers and assorted books. I felt I wasn’t understanding why I was there and what I was to be learning, so I said I’m going to look around so I can try to figure out why I’m here.

I immediately got that ‘return’ feeling and woke up back in bed, with the feeling that I perhaps should not have questioned what was going on, but should have just ‘gone with the flow’ and I would have been able to continue further.

I wrote in my journal that I felt it was due to my attempting to take ‘control’ of the dream process that I was made to return. Perhaps this control issue is something I need to learn to ‘let go of’ was the comment I made when I wrote this in my journal.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

16) Astral Vision

August 12, 2007 4:30 am

I use the term "astral vision" or "higher vision" to describe the vision we see with when we see things that "normally" would not be seen (through lower consciousness vision) - seeing "through the veil," if you will. You can be OB or simply have the OB mental state, if you will, when you use astral vision....Many times, astral vision kicks in during a pre-separation but heightened state. It can be part of the pre-(conscious) OBE lead-up, or no OBE may follow. So, one need not be asleep, dreaming or in an actual OBE to have this expanded visual experience.

This morning, I was able to 'see' scenes of places, feeling like I'm traveling there, but being very much aware that I am looking through my eyes in bed. It's very hard to describe the feeling, but I know that I was watching and participating in these scenes. They did not feel to be very 'symbolic' and 'deep', but just areas I was visiting.

The first I remember was 'pulling up' next to a large ship in the ocean, watching it from the side as it moved through the waves. It was painted blue and red, with some white areas. I could even 'see' the people on the bridge as they were piloting the ship.

While I am becoming aware I am doing this, it appears I am watching as if through a car window, with some distortion. As the scene started to fade, I said 'clarity now' hoping to clear it up, but the scene then changed to a large area of land, high above the ocean, formed in 'blocks' that may have had a track running along the top of it.

Again the scene shifts, and now I am in a city, and zooming along the streets watching the people and buildings. I get the feeling of a European city (I have never been to Europe) for some reason, and can even read the names of some of the stores. The only one I can recall had a T & A in the name and I felt it was a jewelry store of some sort.

The most interesting part was the 'cut-outs' of people that were placed along one section of sidewalk. The pictures were most interesting, with lifelike pictures of various people in different poses. At one point, a man and a woman asked me if I wanted to 'see' myself in one of them, and I felt they were going to pull a prank on me and make the picture something funny, so I really didnt' going along with their suggestion.

The last thing I remember is sitting in a fountain area, watching a young boy, whom I felt I was caring for. He was rather reluctant to take his nap, but with some persuasion, I convinced him to 'just rest his eyes' and he fell asleep.

Really, I don't feel there was much significance to this experience, but I thought I'd share it since I'm not sure really what this was, except that it was so real and exciting to do.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

15) Trouble at School

July 13, 2007 7am

I was at a school but in the back section (had a faculty entrance feeling) and then proceeded to walk around to the front sidewalk. I knew I was going on a trip with a class somewhere.

While on the sidewalk, I heard a commotion and then saw a bomb(!) drop to the sidewalk in front of me! I saw two relatives just in front of me closer to dropped bomb. The bomb did not explode, but just landed there point down, balanced on end on sidewalk. I felt this was an ‘ongoing’ event (bombing) but that we were lucky this time as it did not explode.

A few minutes later, I watched as a green flag antennae shot up from the back of the bomb (which was still pointing down on sidewalk) and then realized “OH NO! it’s going to explode!”, and it did! (I felt it was ‘trick bomb’ with a delayed detonation that worked best with complacent attitudes)

I knew that people were hurt, and a woman off to my left was very badly hurt. I didn’t think I was too bad, but was grazed in the face because I could barely see out of my right eye and blood was dripping down. (Funny, though, I felt this was a ‘good’ thing somehow.)

Now I remember being told there is going to be no class trip now, so the class was going to watch a movie instead. I asked the name of the movie (thinking I’d like to see it too), but when I heard the name, knew I saw it already and ‘moved on’.

Now found myself in a room talking with a couple about their new baby, and felt it was related to me somehow. I was told the baby's name was ‘Alora’ or ‘Ali’ or something like that. I asked how they chose that name and they said it was short (nickname) for ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ (a fictional long word from the Mary Poppins movie). I became upset because I knew this child would have a very difficult time in kindergarten when they start school because they always make you write out your legal name, not a nickname.

This was not recorded in my usual fashion so many details may be left out, but since the basic story stayed with me even after a few hours of being awake, I thought I’d write down what I can remember.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

14) Intent is Everything

I just wanted to post a note here letting everyone know that since I have been on vacation for the past 3 weeks, there has been little posting done. I still have had dream experiences and have them recorded, but due to time constraints, I haven't been able to get them written out and evaluated.

I do want to point out it IS true that placing intent and expecting results will give you the best experiences. Over the past three weeks, I slowed down on the number of attempts and 'working' sessions due to the vacation. I still have had dreams and experiences, but they in no way compare to the sometimes 'high-level' ones that I have when I expect and work toward them. I feel the dreams I have had still have very symbolic events, but the actual lucid-type experiences were not there.

Now that things are getting back to 'normal', I will hopefully be able to post more here. I did want to make sure everyone knew that focusing intent and fully expecting results WILL give you the best chances for any lucid dream experiences and OOBEs.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

13) One Sentence Description

7:52am 7/04/07

I woke with the definite feeling I had just done some intensive ‘studying’ (for lack of a better word) somewhere, and the only recall I had was this task I was given at the end. The task was to find a sentence in this book that best described me, the ‘whole me’. (Again, this may be a reference to my beginning blog entry that says I’m on “Journey One – getting to know yourself”)

I was sent to a ‘waiting room’ to look up in a book (one I knew very well) to find a single sentence that I felt would describe who I am. I knew where I wanted to look but it was taking me a long time to find it. I knew the exact sentence I wanted, and it was in this book in a chapter that dealt with 18th century or 1700’s. The book covered all kinds of information and had many chapters to go through. I felt had read this book before, and it covered all aspects of myself, from being a mom, to cooking and recipes. I was looking at the titles of the chapters on top, specifically looking for this 18th century reference. Any other sentence I found just wouldn’t do a good enough job to fully describe what I felt was ‘me’.

My counselor there gave me this task was there off to my left, doing other things while I’m searching the book in this waiting room full of other people. My friend Susan was there talking to people just like a counselor would, participating in the conversation, and trying to help the others with their issues. (Something she does in real life too)

I felt I was holding everything up, causing a delay, in trying to find this sentence. I got the feeling I was there with someone else and I knew I could find a sentence that described that person, but I just couldn’t find one to fully describe me.

I did wake with a 'knowing' that perhaps I am NOT able to be described by just one sentence, but am a myriad of all that I have ever been! (which I’m sure may mean my many past lives).

12) Other Beings and People

5:51am 7/01/07

I was coming down a familiar stretch of highway by our local high school with the feeling I had somehow received ‘superpowers’, now being able to move very fast! As I passed by the school entrances, I saw a group of familiar people standing, watching my arrival, near the first school entrance. I believe I had some interaction here with these individuals, especially one I felt very close to, but have no recall as to what exactly took place.

At the second school entrance, just a little further down, I saw 3-4 ‘otherworldly beings’ standing at the entrance. They were completely different shapes (robotic-like? no obvious humanoid shape), and a variety of colors, with a glowing soft light green area on one. I remember having fun, skidding into their area (because I was traveling SO fast!) to stop in front of them.

The one said ‘whoa!’ like he was startled due to my quick appearance and he put his hand out toward my ‘energy center’ to see who I was. He pulled back quickly (as if he touched something hot) saying “Who are you? You’re not from here!” I felt I was not expected at this place, as they were standing in such a way to block this entrance.

Feeling not very welcome, I continued on down the road, but with the knowing that the one familiar male presence that I had passed on the first entrance was watching. There was such a strong connection to him as he watched me leave, so I wanted to ‘show off a little’ by doing skating-like maneuvers. I felt him say to me, “Come on, show me ‘Mach-5 speed!” so I then take off knowing he was watching, yet wishing I could have stayed with him!

I next found myself in a hallway, knowing I had to get to this one class. I felt I was running late but it was an ‘excused lateness’ as they knew I was doing something important before arriving.

The hallway area had a closed door at the end and just as I got to the door, I heard someone on other side (of the door) say “Come on, open the door! I have to get in and get to class!” So as the door opened for this other person, I took the opportunity and went on in.

I walked into my classroom on the right, where I saw an older woman teaching. There were others all around working on their projects. I watch as an older man came into the classroom ahead of me, joking around saying he was dropping off mail for the teacher from (a local community college here). I knew enough to realize this class was definitely not from this college, (the letter carried the feeling it was something going on union-wise or politically wise), and I saw that the teacher was not at all interested in opening up this letter.

The teacher did see me come in right behind him, saying, “oh good! I’m glad you could make it!” and began working on my project. I had the feeling I had just done something or went somewhere prior to arriving that we took pictures of and she asked if I had seen the pictures yet. It felt like it was a ‘graduation’ of sorts that occurred prior, and I said “no, I haven’t seen anything yet.”

I was handed this whole stack of photos, saved in envelopes. I spread them on the table, carefully taking out the first set of photos. It was a picture of two boys, and the teacher said ‘there, that’s him, with his older brother’, with the feeling it was his graduation, someone I knew well. The next few pictures were various young kids with one specific picture suddenly showing me two of my own children as young boys, along with these other two boys. The picture was taken many years ago in a ‘workshop’ type setting (which felt familiar, but I have no clear recall of this place). I knew this was someone they grew up with, so I said “I’m so glad you have pictures of my boys with them” and the teacher said, “well of course I would, that was a very important time because he had just lost his other friends and was so happy to made new friends.” Now I felt she was the mother of the new ‘graduate’ and was explaining to me how my boys helped her son so much.

The next picture I picked up was actually a picture frame with a video playing in it. In this video was a firefighter, a man who had a heavy black mustache and heavy black coarse hair., He spoke loudly and arrogantly, with a touch of obscene words, much like a ‘macho’ full of ego firefighter might do. He turned to show the back of his black turnout coat with NYFD (?) logo, and I saw his shoulders covered with dirt and dust. I cannot recall any of the words he spoke, only his demeanor and personality.

I related the scene to NY on 9/11/01, but don’t know if it was actually then or just my perception. I also knew this was someone I had previously been involved with romantically because I missed him, feeling I hadn’t seen him in so long and was so happy to see him again! But, this feeling was tempered with the fact that I knew he was married, and I was watching what was like a review of his life. The video went back to his younger days and then faded into a picture of his wife as a younger girl. She looked Italian, with an olive complexion, a thin young girl who then transformed into an older woman with long black hair, parted in the center. The last picture was of the both of them as young couple that then changed into them in their older years. I felt some ‘guilt’ that I could have been ‘involved’ with him romantically despite the fact he was already married.

I am not sure what all this means, but I woke up knowing that perhaps this was a part of another life that I no longer needed to feel ‘guilty’ about. There is so much going on in this dream/OBE recall that I am having a difficult time deciphering all the hidden meanings!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

11) Lucid Dream Recall - Ice Tsunami

6/24/07 2:31 am Ice Tsunami

I have been attempting to use the recommendation of trying to 'get back into the dream-consciousness state of mind' to enhance recall of a lucid dream.

I find my recall is usually done in a backward fashion, with only a few memories of the ending remembered at first. Once I settle into the altered state of intending to recall more details, I can usually start pulling out memories of a previous event, which will then lead to more memories of an even earlier event.

This was how I was able to recall this dream, as I awoke with only the memory of cold water and a huge wave!

The feeling I awoke with was that I was doing something else even prior to this recalled dream sequence, but am unable to remember any earlier events. So, put back in chronological order, the dream goes as such:

My earliest recall starts with the feeling of floating in a body of water, holding onto an older man, trying to help him somehow. We were both floating in a pond or lake that led into a river. As we floated around a curve to the left riding the current, he pointed off to the right where a distance away I could see a little square, boat (?) cushion, floating on the water. He indicated to me that "that’s where the ‘event’ happened." (The feeling I had was that there was a loss of life there).

We are now floating in the faster river portion around an island with a building on it (my feeling was it was a barn-type building). We are being carried along by the current, and my impression was that the water was now dangerous, in the sense that it was very, very, very cold with ice buildup on the edges. The ice extended into the river and under the water on both sides. We were floating into this one open channel, surrounded by ice, and I was relieved to see that we were near a point where we’d be able to climb onto the ice shelf to get out of the river .

All of a sudden, a small piece of the ice shelf breaks off, creating a little wave, and I can feel the up and down movement in the water. I said, “oh great, this isn’t a good thing!” and we continued to drift further, knowing I had to get out of this water because it was just too cold to stay in for long.

I felt it was imperative to get this guy out of here now, when suddenly a huge piece of the ice shelf breaks off underwater below our feet! I remember saying “Oh, no! This is not good!” as it created a huge tsunami-like effect wave that lifted us up very, very high! I said to the man, “Hang on! We are going to take a little ride here!”

We went up so high I remember thinking, “Oh my gosh, this is so high that I know we are going to get hurt when we are dropped down from this height!" (Again, this was a ‘concern for my safety’ trigger that I feel I was supposed to remember I was lucid dreaming at that point!)

Knowing we are going to be slammed into the earth from this height, I was very concerned but also immediately had the knowing that “no, I can control this!” I closed my eyes and repeated to myself over and over, ‘soft and gentle landing’, with full confidence that I could change this scene’s ending. Sure enough, we were ‘softly and gently’ laid upon on the ground and that’s where I woke up in my bed.

I believe I must have fallen right asleep after this, without thinking to record it. Upon awakening at 7am, remembering those few details, I tried the recall method and this is what I got!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

10) Tornado Dream

I was going to use this blog only for my OOBEs in an attempt to keep log of my progress. However, having had such good insight from others as to a dream sequence of 6/20 (see, #9 Dream Sequence Reflects Learning and following comment), I thought I'd share another dream I had just previous to that one.....

June 14, 2007 8:08am

I was in a house similar to my childhood home, but felt it wasn’t really that exact same house. I was near the front door in the area of a ‘closet’ today, but it was just a bare room with walls. Standing in this room, I could see doorway openings in the walls on my right and left. The right doorway lead to the outdoors, and the left looked into a hallway that lead to a bath area where a young child was being given a bath by an older female. I felt the child was my son and the female was related somehow.

I knew a tornado was coming, and I was standing in this closet-room that I knew had four solid walls around me, even though there were open doorways on two sides. I knew I was safe. I also knew the child and female would be safe in the bathroom where they were. The tornado arrived quickly, and I felt it was going to be a ‘direct hit’! I could feel the air spinning outside and my ears popping. (I have never experienced a tornado, so I don’t know if your ears do this with one!)

Oddly, I had a camera with me, and felt frustrated that it was a very ‘slow to work’ camera. Regardless of this fact and hoping it’d still work, I just stuck my arm holding the camera out into the hallway on my right to try to take a picture of the tornado as it passed by me. I felt disappointed when the flash didn’t go off so I would not get to record it!

After the tornado passed, the child came running to me in the closet room, shaking and crying. He was very scared so I had him sit by me where I was able to soothe him, saying ‘it’s ok, it’s over’.

I woke up, recorded the dream, and didn’t really think much about it until I realize this one is probably loaded with symbolism as well! So here it is…..

Let me know what you think…..thanks!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

9) Dream Sequence Reflects Learning

June 20, 2007 3:18am - Dream Reflects Learning

For background, the day and evening prior to this dream sequence, I had just read the section of Moen’s book (Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook) regarding Perceiver vs. Interpreter, and how we need to learn the ‘language’ of the guidance/guides that are around us.

I found it very interesting to learn how our belief systems will only allow such beliefs that are compatible with being ‘possible’, and that we need to keep an open mind to receive any and all forms of communication. In addition, memories of ‘otherwordly’ events are only saved if they are able to be associated with prior ‘stored’ memories of similar events. This ‘remembering’ of events that is done during dreams/OBE’s can become easier if we ‘go back’ to that level of consciousness in which the dream/OBE occurred.

As I recorded this short dream upon waking, I relaxed and I was able to recall more details in a ‘backward’ sort of sequence, which fit into Moen’s description of association by similar events. This dream sequence seems to fit into this new learning, but I feel also has other symbolism and meaning, I’m just not sure what! For ease of posting, I will start with my earliest memory (which was the last I recorded) and put it into proper sequence.

I was in a foreign country, something with the feel of China/Japan, in a department store of sorts. For whatever reason, I had undressed and had wrapped myself only in a blanket. (The feeling was I was about to have, or just had, a massage – which in real life, I did just have that evening before bed!)

So now I’m walking through the store, knowing I’m only wearing this blanket, yet feeling rather ‘secure’ that I’m appropriately covered up. I head out the back of the building, and starting going up a mountainous area. At the top, I know I was thinking that I must have traveled quite a long distance, and I don’t have my clothes with me.

Initially, I thought I’d have to buy all new clothes because I was too far away to go back and retrieve them, but realized that I had not left the area and could go back down the mountain to get them. I did people there that didn’t speak my language, and felt I was not going to be able to communicate with them anyway, so I headed back down the mountain.

Just as I get near the bottom of the mountain, I could see waves of water, like a tsunami, crashing over the rocks! At first, I thought I was still high enough to be safe on this mountain, but then realized, ‘oh no, I have to get higher!’ So I start climbing back up, not too concerned, but moving quickly…(my cue for awareness/OOB is usually a concern for my safety but I didn’t pick up on this at this time!)

I climb all the way back to the top, where there were people who did not speak my language, knowing I’d have to try to communicate with them. I remember trying to think HOW do you tell someone the word ‘mother’ or ‘sister’ without words?

While I’m thinking this, it’s impressed upon me that what is important is that I learn HOW to communicate with them, and not WHAT I was trying to tell them.

Just before I woke up, I remember the thought that perhaps one way I could ‘communicate’ was to draw pictures for them and that is a way I could show them what I wanted to say!

Initially, I wasn’t even going to record this dream sequence, but in hindsight, can see that even these little ‘nothing dreams’ may hold a lot of symbolism and hidden meaning!

Share with me what you think of this….

**Be sure to read the comments to this section for more insight on symbolism and dream interpretation! Thanks, Kiauma!