Blog Archive

Monday, March 15, 2021

199) Bombing Raid

I became aware that I was ‘awake but asleep’ and knew I could get out of body!  I could hear what sounded like a ‘game show’ on the TV, which I knew was not possible as it was nighttime. As soon as I thought that the vibrations started and I just ‘rolled out’ off the bed.  Standing in the bedroom I immediately headed to the door and down the stairs as I knew I needed to get away from my body for the best clarity. 

As I’m heading down the stairs, I remember to say, “Awareness now!” and “Clarity Now!” a few times (thanks to William Buhlman’s books!) Each time, my vision cleared, and I became clearer in thought. 


As I hit the bottom stair, I remember feeling a bit ‘wobbly’, similar to my initial OOB’s and knew I just needed to ‘steady’ myself with intentions.  I’ve not made it a habit to get OOB often anymore, so I’m sure my lack of stability was due to my loss of routine experience navigating this thought=action domain! 


I could see the room downstairs was much messier than I’d ever leave it, with clothing strewn around and boxes. But again, having experienced this all before, knowing everything looks different when OOB, I just shrugged and kept going. 


Once steady, I wondered what and where I should go.  Remembering it’s best to learn as much as possible with these experiences, I just intended “take me to where I need to learn!”


Immediately I was moving upwards at great speed, and for whatever reason, felt I needed to have my hands together and raised to get there!  Somehow, I can remember I didn’t need to do that, but it just felt right!


Now I hear airplanes, zooming and screaming all around, as if in a war zone with bombing.  I feel I am in the plane and put my arms out to my side as if I’m flying! What I hear next is a young girls voice, saying in fear, “Johnnie doesn’t like this!”  I felt as though I was now in a bombing raid and had to take cover, so I dove over a mounded area that was nearby to seek shelter.  I had allowed fear to enter and at that point, the OBE faded back to full wakefulness.  


I have not figured out what I needed to learn from this experience, but yet, am still thrilled to know how wonderful it is be able to get OOB once in a while! Maybe I need to get back to intending to do this more often for more clarity! 


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

198) Helping Another to Move On

It's again been a long time since I put any experiences here on my blog, as I do not exclusively focus on having them - but once in a while, something will occur that I feel is important to share.

Last night, I became aware I was in that 'in-between' state where I'm conscious of being in bed at night, yet within a dream state.  I felt I was in a location where I've not been before, lying in a bed in an old 'cabin' type bedroom and fully aware that someone was in the room with me.  I could not clearly see who it was, but my senses indicated it was an elderly male. 

I felt him moving on my left side moving toward me on the bed where I was 'sleeping'.  What I didn't expect was to have him turn and SIT DOWN on top of me! I was so taken aback to 'feel' the full weight of his 'body' sitting on my chest!

I immediately pushed back hard to alleviate the pressure, and he was just as surprised to feel the resistance! He turned to face me, I sensed (not heard) he indicated he didn't know what to do, where to go! I don't know how I knew, but all I 'told' him was that he needed to go 'to the light'! At the far end of the bed, a faint glimmer of light was shining and he immediately moved toward it.  

It all happened very quickly, and ended just as fast.  It's been a long time since I've had such contact with 'lost souls' and I'm only hoping that I was able to help him move on to the next life. 

I truly believe that some 'souls' transition too quickly to adjust, or have such firm beliefs of no afterlife, that after their death, they remain close to the 'human' experience in a place that is 'between' worlds.  Time is 'no-thing' to them so they are fixated to stay where they have always been until someone or something is able to break through to them.

I'm happy to know that I can still help when it's needed, and maybe I should think about trying to get back to doing more of this 'otherworldly' travel in the future again!


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Unprecedented Times

So, it's been a loooooooooong time since I've posted here and thought this might be a good time to share some thoughts regarding these unprecedented times we are now experiencing.  With the coronavirus rampant throughout our countries, people are now experiencing a 'shutdown' of what normal life has been to date.

Businesses are closed, schools are closed, the health of our citizens are in jeopardy with every personal contact, and life is no longer the life we remember.  Despite the seemingly negative aspects of this economic closure, we have to focus on the positive attributes that this change will bring.  Things we normally took for granted will now be appreciated as a special treat.  Going out for dinner, sharing fun times with friends, just getting groceries from a well-stocked store is to be thankful for.  There is more time for introspection and reflection, time to read books and share experiences with close family that we never had before.

Let's use this time to meditate more, going within to seek the Higher Self and connect with your guides and angels.  They are always there to help up through this spiritual uplifting that is happening. As humans experiencing ascension on this planet, we need to have a more spiritual aspect to our daily lives that go along with all the technology and external devices we already have.  I believe this is part of why we need to go through this pandemic. Take the time you have now to go within!

Share your experiences with others, take care of your neighbor, give more of yourself to the community, and then you can be more connected to the spiritual aspect of these changing times.

You will find you are directed to where you need to be if you just ask for help and expect the answers to appear. Do not try to figure HOW it will happen, just KNOW it will and focus on the end result.  It's just amazing that this is available for everyone, no matter who you are, and you WILL find your path.  Action follows thought...EXPECT THE BEST...and you WILL receive it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

197) Sending Love Again

2016.09.16          197) Sending Love Again

So, once again, I realize it’s been forever since I’ve posted any travels, mainly because I do not ‘focus’ on remembering them in detail as I used to.  However, once in a while, I do have an out-of-body experience that I feel could be shared as a learning experience.

The last one a few weeks ago, I remember waking up to a light stage of sleep feeling like I could float.  This memory of floating was enough to make me consciously realized I could change it to an out-of-body experience!  Stating loudly (within my head) “out of body now!” I roll off the bed and find myself standing.  I take off flying, moving to the window and out!  I was so enjoying the flying sensation again when I then realized I had moved into another house.

Instead of flying and floating, I now find a very ‘heavy’ sensation all around me, so heavy I could barely move!  I tried lifting my arms (to assume the Superman pose) thinking that could help me fly again, but to no avail.  Desperate to get moving, and since I couldn’t go up, I put my arms at my side and say, “Down, down down”!

I’m thrilled to be moving again, floating down, down down until I now realize I’m not alone.  There is someone with me, so I ask, “who’s there?” and hear a woman call my name. It was a very familiar voice, so I was not afraid or concerned.

Now I hear two people talking, and I’m trying to determine who they are when one of them moves directly in front of me.  She was so close I could almost ‘physically’ feel her presence.  She said clearly to me, “I want to take to you a fabulous place, the best place ever!” and she tries to hug me.  I ask again, ‘who are you?’ with no answer and at the same time getting a very uncomfortable sensation, fearing for my safety.

I’m thrilled to say that I immediately remembered that whenever I question my safety, I need to “send love” to whatever is causing my concern, and immediately upon doing so, this person dissipates!!  I’m not sure what happened and I fully woke up right after this.

In hindsight, the downward movement could have been moving toward a lower ‘level’ of entities and hearing my name with a familiar voice initially gave me the ability to know I was supposed to be there.  When the ‘uncomfortable’ closeness of another person was encountered, I would like to think that the ‘send love’ energy I gave her was enough to lift her to a better place.  At the very least, it negated any malintent that was intended for me.  Of course, this is all my own interpretation of this meeting, however, as I always tell everyone, there is no one better than the one experiencing it to do the interpretation according to your own perceptions!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

196) Triggers to Lucidity and Helping Rafael


I had another short experience last night that I wish to share, as it shows that there are souls who are in need of ‘conscious dreamers’ to help them realize a change is needed.

One of the key points I try to use when getting out of body during a dream is the ability to realize that something ‘isn’t right’ or very unusual, which will make me stop and question my physical status.  These triggers to lucidity generally take the form of unusual events or dangerous situations I find myself in.  When that happens, I stop and assess my ‘physical’ status.  If there is ANY question at all whether I’m awake or dreaming, then I know I’m dreaming! (Because when you are fully awake, there is NO DOUBT that you are!)

This experience started with me back in my prior hometown walking down the road and finding an entire freeway built above the country road I was on.  I realized this had to have been built overnight, and puzzled as to how this could be possible! Still, I did not question my status (as I should have) at this time and continued on with my ‘dream’ life.  Walking into a home I am familiar with on that road, I was again surprised to find myself sitting on loose gravel, near the edge of a very deeply dug hole that was in the basement of this house. 

Usually a dangerous situation is a strong indicator that I am dreaming, but once again, I did not heed the situation and assess my status and kept moving on, climbing to safety, wondering why there were stone tunnels under this house, and then entering into a room upstairs in the home.

Again, I can remember ‘physically’ feeling the eye mask I was (actually) using to sleep STILL on my face while I’m in the dream, another key point that should have made me more conscious of my dreaming status.  I dropped something, made a loud noise, and heard from another room the homeowner asking ‘who’s there?’ 

Initially I was concerned, but then answered, ‘No worries, it’s just me” and moved out of the house.  It was on the steps as I was leaving that finally the unusual situations I was just in made me conscious of my dreaming status, and I knew I could get out of body!

I jumped high to confirm my status, and was thrilled to once again find myself flying and zooming over the countryside.  I can remember thinking how crystal clear my thought processes were now, being totally conscious of all that I was doing!

I just wish I could explain the elation and joy one feels when totally free of the body and physical density.  I asked to ‘go where I needed to be’ (as I always prefer to have the Universe decide my best travels)

I found myself watching in horror the collision of two large trucks from high above, as semi-trailer and a gasoline/oil truck at an intersection.  The oil truck completely T-boned the semi-truck and there was chaos and confusion all around.  

I watched as the driver of the oil truck got out and attempted to put out some flames with an extinguisher – and yet I knew it was all in vain. 

My next memory is of meeting this truck driver as he stood in front of me, looking very confused. I asked him his name, and clearly I heard, “Rafael”.   I remember talking with him at length and at one point saying ‘I’d like to get to know you better’.

He became anxious, stating ‘no, no – you can’t ‘ and the knowing I felt (as much as not in words but feelings) was that he had a bad experience with another woman who he allowed to ‘know him better’. 

I eventually realized that he was living his last moments over and over again, confused and afraid, unaware that he had passed over to spirit during this truck accident.  As an out-of-body traveler, I knew that I was ‘visible’ to him because of his continued ‘perception’ of being alive and connected with the denser physical realm.  He was unable to see those around him of a higher vibration who were trying to help, and I can remember asking him to ‘look around’ and see those with him, which he couldn’t.

After a long talk (of which I have little recall for the specifics), I only remember asking him the general question, ‘Well, do you think it’s possible that someone could be dead (passed over) and not realize it?”   He stopped and thought for a long time and finally said, ‘well, yes…I guess it can be possible” at which point there was a very bright light and what felt to be an ‘ending’ of a movie.  He faded out and I found myself back into the dream life I had just come from. 

I was in this half-conscious dream life for a while before I realized consciously that I had to waken and get Rafael’s experience recorded.  Already I had forgotten much of the experience but recorded what I could recall. 

It is so difficult at times to pull enough conscious awareness into your dreams, even with triggers, hence this fragmented experience.  However, the idea that you can be of service  with your astral travels is what’s important to know from this experience. 

Although I will never truly know what became of Rafael, I do know that because I helped him to open up his perspective to another possibility for what he was experiencing, that he could now ‘see’ his spiritual helpers. I sent him love and peace, knowing he was now in good hands.